Strategic Plan Town Hall

Strategic Plan Town Hall - Thursday, January 30, 2014

As part of our commitment to ongoing engagement with the Humber community throughout implementation of our new five-year Strategic Plan, I was very pleased to host our first two Town Hall Meetings last Fall. We’ve discussed “Differentiation and Strengthening Our Polytechnic Identity”, as well as “Living Our Values as a Learning Organization” and have been able to engage in dialogue and share perspectives across the institution regarding these important components of Humber’s identity and strategic direction.

I invite you to join us for the third Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, January 30, 2014, from 12 noon to 1 p.m. in the Seventh Semester, where we will learn together about Humber’s approach to strategic enrolment management (SEM).  Jason Hunter, Vice President, Student and Community Engagement, will provide background with regard to the emerging thinking about the SEM process at Humber, and facilitate discussion during the Q&A period.

Please join us for lunch and discussion. All Town Hall Meetings are live-streamed by the Media Services team to the strategic planning website (, where staff can watch and participate online. I hope you will join us virtually if you are unable to attend in person.


Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.