Student Success Roundtables

Thanks to all who participated in the Student Success Roundtables, a key phase in our strategic planning consultation process. More than 220 faculty, staff and administrators attended one of the six sessions held at the North and Lakeshore campuses during the last two weeks of January. Feedback reveals that participants found the collaborative, cross-institutional discussions to be a positive experience and a useful opportunity to connect with others from across the college. I was pleased to see so many of you at the sessions, and was impressed with the level of engagement and obvious commitment to supporting Humber students.

If you were unable to attend a Roundtable – or if you have additional thoughts to share – I encourage you to check out the online Discussion Workbook. All forums for participation are equal, and the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) will collect online feedback related to the Roundtable discussion questions until Friday, February 15, 2013.  As part of our iterative consultation process, a summary of the Roundtables will be shared with the Humber community in the coming weeks.

In the next phase of the consultation process, the Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) will engage with external stakeholders including industry and community partners. To learn more about Humber’s strategic planning process or to share your views anytime, please visit Imagine Humber I look forward to additional opportunities to continue this important dialogue as we consider ways to take Humber’s success to the next level.

Chris Whitaker
President, CEO Humber I.T.A.L.