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Course Outline

Course Name: Intercultural Communications (BUS 3505)

Academic Period: 2023 - 2024


Faculty Availability:

Associate Dean:
Michael MacDougall

Schedule Type Code:

Land Acknowledgement

Humber College is located within the traditional and treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit. Known as Adoobiigok [A-doe-bee-goke], the “Place of the Alders” in Michi Saagiig [Mi-Chee Saw-Geeg] language, the region is uniquely situated along Humber River Watershed, which historically provided an integral connection for Anishinaabe [Ah-nish-nah-bay], Haudenosaunee [Hoeden-no-shownee], and Wendat [Wine-Dot] peoples between the Ontario Lakeshore and the Lake Simcoe/Georgian Bay regions. Now home to people of numerous nations, Adoobiigok continues to provide a vital source of interconnection for all.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber (Humber) are leaders in providing a learning, working and living environment that recognizes and values equity, diversity and inclusion in all its programs and services. Humber commits to reflect the diversity of the communities the College serves. Students, faculty, support and administrative staff feel a sense of belonging and have opportunities to be their authentic selves.

Faculty or Department Longo Faculty of Business
Course Name: Intercultural Communications (BUS 3505)
Pre-Requisites none
Co-Requisites none
Pre-Requisites for

BUS 4007

Equates none
Restrictions none
Credit Value 3
Total Course Hours 42
Developed By: Prepared By: Approved by:
Michael MacDougall

Humber Learning Outcomes (HLOs) in this course.

The HLOs are a cross-institutional learning outcomes strategy aimed at equipping Humber graduates with the employability skills, mindsets, and values they need to succeed in the future of work. To explore all the HLOs, please consult the Humber Learning Outcomes framework.

  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
  • Sustainability
  • Systems Thinking
  • Indigenous Ways of Being Knowing and Doing (IWBKD)
  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Digital Fluency
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Strategic Problem-Solving

Course Description

This course examines culture as encompassing national and cultural identity, race, ethnicity, gender, ability, and indigenous knowledge. Students examine their own culture, values, beliefs, biases, and identities. They assess personal skills and interpersonal communication techniques needed to work internationally effectively and to adapt to other cultures. Conflict management techniques are covered. Students also explore strategies for living and working overseas, culture shock, re-entry adjustment, and working and negotiating with international business counterparts.

Course Rationale

The course will introduce students to the intricacies of intercultural communication and the challenges and opportunities it presents to businesses and individuals operating and living in environments outside their home countries.

Course Learning Method(s)

  • Group or Team Work
  • Socratic Method
  • Lecture

Learning Outcomes

  • Interpret issues of race and racism, ethnicity and ethnocentrism, stereotyping and discrimination, power and privilege within professional and personal contexts.
  • Apply ethical principles and behaviours in the context of conducting business abroad.
  • Choose from a list of strategies, for culture shock and re-entry adjustment when appropriate.
  • Compare different communication practices and other variables that may influence management effectiveness in multi-cultural settings.
  • Evaluate personal beliefs, values, and cultural biases in cultural context.
  • Apply strategies for coping in new environments and adjusting to different cultures using the case study method.
  • Display active listening and appropriate intercultural communication strategies in class and group discussions.
  • Analyze the characteristics of effective intercultural communicators working and studying in international environments using the case study method.
  • Prepare a country report with a focus on culture to demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts and theories of the course.
  • Design and demonstrate a systematic approach to problem solving and cross-cultural conflict management strategies in professional settings.

Assessment Weighting

Assessment Weight
Self-Cultural Identity Analysis and Reflection 10%
Quiz 15%
Mid-term Exam 25%
Group Project-Country Culture 20%
Final Exam 30%
Total 100%

Modules of Study

Module Course Learning Outcomes Resources Assessments
Module 1: Understanding the Foundation of Intercultural Communication (ICC)
  • Interpret issues of race and racism, ethnicity and ethnocentrism, stereotyping and discrimination, power and privilege within professional and personal contexts.

Read Chapter 1 

  • Self-Cultural Identity Analysis and Reflection
Module 2: What Does It Mean to Be a Flexible Intercultural Communicator?
  • Evaluate personal beliefs, values, and cultural biases in cultural context.

Read Chapter 2

Supplementary resources to be supplied by Professor.

  • Self-Cultural Identity Analysis and Reflection
Module 3: Value Patterns and Communication
  • Compare different communication practices and other variables that may influence management effectiveness in multi-cultural settings.
  • Evaluate personal beliefs, values, and cultural biases in cultural context.

Read Chapter 3

  • Self-Cultural Identity Analysis and Reflection
  • Quiz
  • Mid-term Exam
Module 4: Understanding Identity Change and Adaptation -Cultural Shock
  • Choose from a list of strategies, for culture shock and re-entry adjustment when appropriate.
  • Apply strategies for coping in new environments and adjusting to different cultures using the case study method.

Read Chapter 4 & 5

  • Quiz
  • Group Project-Country Culture
Module 5: Language, Verbal Styles, and Communication
  • Compare different communication practices and other variables that may influence management effectiveness in multi-cultural settings.
  • Evaluate personal beliefs, values, and cultural biases in cultural context.
  • Analyze the characteristics of effective intercultural communicators working and studying in international environments using the case study method.

Read Chapter 6


  • Self-Cultural Identity Analysis and Reflection
  • Quiz
  • Mid-term Exam
Module 6: Nonverbal Communication
  • Compare different communication practices and other variables that may influence management effectiveness in multi-cultural settings.
  • Evaluate personal beliefs, values, and cultural biases in cultural context.
  • Analyze the characteristics of effective intercultural communicators working and studying in international environments using the case study method.

Read Chapter 7


  • Self-Cultural Identity Analysis and Reflection
  • Mid-term Exam
Mid-term Exam
  • Interpret issues of race and racism, ethnicity and ethnocentrism, stereotyping and discrimination, power and privilege within professional and personal contexts.
  • Compare different communication practices and other variables that may influence management effectiveness in multi-cultural settings.
  • Apply strategies for coping in new environments and adjusting to different cultures using the case study method.
  • Analyze the characteristics of effective intercultural communicators working and studying in international environments using the case study method.

Covers all course learning materials from Modules 1- 6 and textbook Chapters 1-7. 

  • Mid-term Exam
Module 8: Intergroup Perceptions and Managing Ethnocentrism, Stereotypes, and Prejudice
  • Interpret issues of race and racism, ethnicity and ethnocentrism, stereotyping and discrimination, power and privilege within professional and personal contexts.
  • Apply ethical principles and behaviours in the context of conducting business abroad.
  • Evaluate personal beliefs, values, and cultural biases in cultural context.
  • Analyze the characteristics of effective intercultural communicators working and studying in international environments using the case study method.

Read Chapter 8

Supplementary resources to be supplied by Professor.

  • Self-Cultural Identity Analysis and Reflection
  • Group Project-Country Culture
Module 9: Constructive Intercultural Conflict Management
  • Display active listening and appropriate intercultural communication strategies in class and group discussions.
  • Prepare a country report with a focus on culture to demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts and theories of the course.
  • Design and demonstrate a systematic approach to problem solving and cross-cultural conflict management strategies in professional settings.

Read Chapter 9

Supplementary resources to be supplied by Professor. 

  • Group Project-Country Culture
Module 10: Intercultural-Intimate Relationship Development
  • Display active listening and appropriate intercultural communication strategies in class and group discussions.

Read Chapter 10

  • Group Project-Country Culture
Module 11: Issues Related to Global Identity
  • Interpret issues of race and racism, ethnicity and ethnocentrism, stereotyping and discrimination, power and privilege within professional and personal contexts.
  • Analyze the characteristics of effective intercultural communicators working and studying in international environments using the case study method.

Read Chapter 11

  • Group Project-Country Culture
  • Final Exam
Module 12: Becoming Ethical Intercultural Communicators
  • Apply ethical principles and behaviours in the context of conducting business abroad.

Read Chapter 12

  • Group Project-Country Culture
Module 13: Group Project Presentations
  • Apply ethical principles and behaviours in the context of conducting business abroad.
  • Display active listening and appropriate intercultural communication strategies in class and group discussions.
  • Design and demonstrate a systematic approach to problem solving and cross-cultural conflict management strategies in professional settings.
  • Group Project-Country Culture
Module 14: Comprehensive Final Exam
  • Apply ethical principles and behaviours in the context of conducting business abroad.
  • Choose from a list of strategies, for culture shock and re-entry adjustment when appropriate.
  • Compare different communication practices and other variables that may influence management effectiveness in multi-cultural settings.
  • Evaluate personal beliefs, values, and cultural biases in cultural context.
  • Apply strategies for coping in new environments and adjusting to different cultures using the case study method.
  • Analyze the characteristics of effective intercultural communicators working and studying in international environments using the case study method.

Covers all Course Learning Materials, Modules 1-12 and Chapters 1-12.

  • Final Exam

Required Resources


Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. (2021). Understanding intercultural communication. (3rd ed.)  Oxford University Press.


Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is the formal evaluation and credit-granting process whereby candidates may obtain credits for prior learning. Prior learning includes the knowledge competencies and skills acquired, in both formal and informal ways, outside of post-secondary education. Candidates may have their knowledge, skills and competencies evaluated against the learning outcomes as defined in the course outline. Please review the Assessment Methods Glossary for more information on the Learning Portfolio assessment methods identified below.

The method(s) that are used to assess prior learning for this course may include:

  • Learning Portfolio (results reflected as SAT and not added to student’s CGPA)
  • Learning statement
  • Current resume
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Collection of work
  • Skills Test
  • Interview
  • Oral exam
  • Case studies
  • Simulations
  • Observations

Please contact the Program Coordinator for more details.

Academic Regulations

It is the student's responsibility to be aware of the College Academic Regulations. The Academic Regulations apply to all applicants to Humber and all current students enrolled in any program or course offered by Humber, in any location. Information about academic appeals is found in the Academic Regulations.  

Anti-Discrimination Statement

At Humber College, all forms of discrimination and harassment are prohibited. Students and employees have the right to study, live and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. If you need assistance on concerns related to discrimination and harassment, please contact the Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion or the Office of Student Conduct.

Accessible Learning Services

Humber strives to create a welcoming environment for all students where equity, diversity and inclusion are paramount. Accessible Learning Services facilitates equal access for students with disabilities by coordinating academic accommodations and services.  Staff in Accessible Learning Services are available by appointment to assess specific needs, provide referrals and arrange appropriate accommodations. If you require academic accommodations, contact:

Accessible Learning Services

North Campus: (416) 675-6622 X5090

Lakeshore Campus: (416) 675-6622 X3331 

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is essentially honesty in all academic endeavors. Academic integrity requires that students avoid all forms of academic misconduct or dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating on tests or exams or any misrepresentation of academic accomplishment.


While every effort is made by the professor/faculty to cover all material listed in the outline, the order, content, and/or evaluation may change in the event of special circumstances (e.g. time constraints due to inclement weather, sickness, college closure, technology/equipment problems or changes, etc.). In any such case, students will be given appropriate notification in writing, with approval from the Dean (or designate) of the School.


Copyright is the exclusive legal right given to a creator to reproduce, publish, sell or distribute his/her work. All members of the Humber community are required to comply with Canadian copyright law which governs the reproduction, use and distribution of copyrighted materials. This means that the copying, use and distribution of copyright- protected materials, regardless of format, is subject to certain limits and restrictions. For example, photocopying or scanning an entire textbook is not allowed, nor is distributing a scanned book.

See the Humber Libraries website for additional information regarding copyright and for details on allowable limits.

Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning • 2023/2024.