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Course Outline

Course Name: Social Media 1 (MSCP 1003)

Academic Period: 2023 - 2024


Faculty Availability:

Associate Dean:
Moriba Baker

Schedule Type Code:

Land Acknowledgement

Humber College is located within the traditional and treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit. Known as Adoobiigok [A-doe-bee-goke], the “Place of the Alders” in Michi Saagiig [Mi-Chee Saw-Geeg] language, the region is uniquely situated along Humber River Watershed, which historically provided an integral connection for Anishinaabe [Ah-nish-nah-bay], Haudenosaunee [Hoeden-no-shownee], and Wendat [Wine-Dot] peoples between the Ontario Lakeshore and the Lake Simcoe/Georgian Bay regions. Now home to people of numerous nations, Adoobiigok continues to provide a vital source of interconnection for all.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber (Humber) are leaders in providing a learning, working and living environment that recognizes and values equity, diversity and inclusion in all its programs and services. Humber commits to reflect the diversity of the communities the College serves. Students, faculty, support and administrative staff feel a sense of belonging and have opportunities to be their authentic selves.

Faculty or Department Faculty of Media & Creative Arts
Digital Communications, Bachelor of (DC411)
Journalism, Bachelor of (22241)
Public Relations, Bachelor of (22221)
Creative and Professional Writing, Bachelor of (CP411)
Course Name: Social Media 1 (MSCP 1003)
Pre-Requisites none
Co-Requisites none
Pre-Requisites for

DCOM 1501, DCOM 2503

Equates none
Restrictions none
Credit Value 3
Total Course Hours 42
Developed By: Prepared By: Approved by:
Gemma Richardson

Moriba Baker

Moriba Baker

Humber Learning Outcomes (HLOs) in this course.

The HLOs are a cross-institutional learning outcomes strategy aimed at equipping Humber graduates with the employability skills, mindsets, and values they need to succeed in the future of work. To explore all the HLOs, please consult the Humber Learning Outcomes framework.

  • A white tree with roots, branches, and leaves appearing in an orange and green circleEquity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
  • A white beaver appearing in a purple circleSystems Thinking
  • A white canoe rowing into a red circleCritical Thinking
  • A white bee walking towards the centre of an orange circleCollaboration
  • A white howling coyote in a green circleCommunication
  • A white bat in flight and sound waves fly in from the left side into the centre of a blue circleDigital Fluency
  • A white sun spinning into an orange circleInnovation
  • A white soaring eagle flying into the centre of a blue circleProfessionalism
  • A white beaver falling from the top of a purple and yellow circle to the centre of the circleStrategic Problem-Solving

Course Description

This course offers an introduction to social media architecture and technologies through the exploration of theory and practical applications. Students learn how social media impacts daily life and how it is applied in the fields of creative and professional writing, public relations and digital communications. Its multiple uses and applications are explored through case study analysis, in-class discussions and practical assignments. Students will also be introduced to a variety of social media environments and will gain hands-on experience with many of the leading social media applications. This course requires active participation of students and a willingness to immerse in social media practices.

Course Rationale

This is an introductory course that helps students build an understanding of social media. From a theoretical perspective, students contextualize the role of social and digital media historically and with respect to communication theories. From the applied perspective, students gain an understanding of the best social media practices, as well as learning to strategically engage with social media in a professionalized context.

Program Outcomes Emphasized in this Course

Digital Communications, Bachelor of (DC411)

  1. Create effective media strategies based on insightful audience analysis, principles of branding and marketing and revenue generation and media law and ethics.

  2. Operate as informed producers and consumers of media communications recognizing the aims of commercial business, nonprofits, government, and community enterprise.

  3. Apply innovative media strategies to effectively analyze and express themes and issues from a range of contexts and perspectives.

Journalism, Bachelor of (22241)

  1. Analyze media theory, social systems, and current and historic perspectives to inform judgments of news value and interpret the context for a range of digital journalism products.
  2. Investigate diverse forms of and approaches to journalism, to identify the advantages and limitations of various media practices and products.
  3. Gather and synthesize complex information to report on a range of stories in an accurate, detailed, proportional, professional, and timely manner.
  4. Establish a professional media identity based on an analysis of personal interests, opportunities, benefits, risks, marketing, strategies and audience.

Public Relations, Bachelor of (22221)

  1. Describe the history and the development of the public relations profession and its practice.

  2. Examine current trends, emerging issues and global best practices in public relations.

  3. Gather, review, evaluate and interpret information using appropriate research methodologies consistent with the RACE formula.

  4. Develop a portfolio that demonstrates expertise in a variety of public relations disciplines, including internal communication, media relations, crisis management, social media, public affairs, event management and investor relations.

  5. Write clear, targeted materials that are appropriate for the intended audience and medium.

  6. Produce visually effective print, graphic and digital communications materials.

Creative and Professional Writing, Bachelor of (CP411)

  1. Describe the influences at play in the evolving media and cultural context which affect the writer’s craft within contemporary markets and audiences.
  2. Identify key structures and characteristics in a variety of creative and professional works applicable to writing proficiency.
  3. Write creative and professional works suitable for publishing to a wide variety of audiences, publishers, platforms and industries using the full range of principles of rhetoric, syntax, grammar, style, and usage.
  4. Use a range of digital technologies and tools for visual communication and design appropriate to specified writing projects.

Course Learning Method(s)

  • Case Based Learning
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Group or Team Work
  • Lecture
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Online

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Learning Outcome Learning Objectives Summative Assessments Formative Assessments
Analyze social media metrics and interpret their importance in the context of communication goals and objectives.
  • Mid-Term Test
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
Create a social media campaign using knowledge of models, theories and best practices.
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
  • Influencer Case Study
Compare and contrast social media communities/stakeholders with more traditional community structures.
  • Mid-Term Test
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
Write clear, creative and effective communication materials for various social media platforms, using CP style as appropriate.
  • Blog Post
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
Define social media and explain its importance to individuals and organization across sectors, industries and geographies.
  • Mid-Term Test
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
Communicate ideas clearly and effectively using a variety of social media platforms.
  • Blog Post
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
Appraise and critically analyze a social media campaign and its relevance to digital communications, journalism and/or public relations.
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
  • Influencer Case Study
Practice social media principles effectively both independently and as part of a group.
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
Examine the role of SEO methodologies focusing on the possible benefits and limitations of SEO tactics.
  • Blog Post
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
Identify key historical milestones in the development of social media.
  • Mid-Term Test
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
Analyze the economic, political and social impacts of social media on society.
  • Mid-Term Test
  • Final Exam
  • Participation in Discussion Forum
  • Influencer Case Study
Compare the different social media platforms currently in popular usage and identify which is appropriate for a variety of situations.
  • Mid-Term Test
  • Final Exam
  • Social media platform assignment
  • Online Reputation Management Audit
  • Participation in Discussion Forum

Assessment Weighting

Assessment Weight
Case Study
    Influencer Case Study 15%
Creative Work
    Blog Post 10%
    Social media platform assignment 15%
    Participation in Discussion Forum 10%
Final Exam
    Final Exam 25%
    Online Reputation Management Audit 10%
    Mid-Term Test 15%
Total 100%

Modules of Study

Module Course Learning Outcomes Resources Assessments
Social media and critical literacy
  • Compare the different social media platforms currently in popular usage and identify which is appropriate for a variety of situations.
  • Create a social media campaign using knowledge of models, theories and best practices.
  • Compare and contrast social media communities/stakeholders with more traditional community structures.
Mayfield, A. (2009).
What is Web 2.0?
  • Compare the different social media platforms currently in popular usage and identify which is appropriate for a variety of situations.
  • Analyze social media metrics and interpret their importance in the context of communication goals and objectives.
  • Appraise and critically analyze a social media campaign and its relevance to digital communications, journalism and/or public relations.
Flew, T. & Smith, R. (2011).
  • Mid-Term Test
Social Media Theory
  • Compare the different social media platforms currently in popular usage and identify which is appropriate for a variety of situations.
  • Analyze social media metrics and interpret their importance in the context of communication goals and objectives.
  • Appraise and critically analyze a social media campaign and its relevance to digital communications, journalism and/or public relations.
Adler, R., Rodman, G. & Sevigny, A. (2015).
  • Mid-Term Test
Social Media Issues
  • Compare the different social media platforms currently in popular usage and identify which is appropriate for a variety of situations.
  • Create a social media campaign using knowledge of models, theories and best practices.
  • Appraise and critically analyze a social media campaign and its relevance to digital communications, journalism and/or public relations.
  • Mid-Term Test
Content creation and platforms
  • Create a social media campaign using knowledge of models, theories and best practices.
  • Compare and contrast social media communities/stakeholders with more traditional community structures.
  • Communicate ideas clearly and effectively using a variety of social media platforms.
  • Appraise and critically analyze a social media campaign and its relevance to digital communications, journalism and/or public relations.
Handley, A. & Chapman, C. (2012).
  • Mid-Term Test
  • Blog Post
Personal online identity management
  • Compare and contrast social media communities/stakeholders with more traditional community structures.
  • Appraise and critically analyze a social media campaign and its relevance to digital communications, journalism and/or public relations.
  • Practice social media principles effectively both independently and as part of a group.
  • Examine the role of SEO methodologies focusing on the possible benefits and limitations of SEO tactics.
Qualman, E. (2014).
  • Mid-Term Test
  • Create a social media campaign using knowledge of models, theories and best practices.
  • Compare and contrast social media communities/stakeholders with more traditional community structures.
  • Practice social media principles effectively both independently and as part of a group.
Hunt, T. (2009).
  • Final Exam
Search Engine Optimization
  • Compare and contrast social media communities/stakeholders with more traditional community structures.
  • Write clear, creative and effective communication materials for various social media platforms, using CP style as appropriate.
  • Define social media and explain its importance to individuals and organization across sectors, industries and geographies.
  • Practice social media principles effectively both independently and as part of a group.
  • Examine the role of SEO methodologies focusing on the possible benefits and limitations of SEO tactics.
Hubspot (2017).
  • Blog Post
Influencer Relations
  • Create a social media campaign using knowledge of models, theories and best practices.
  • Compare and contrast social media communities/stakeholders with more traditional community structures.
  • Define social media and explain its importance to individuals and organization across sectors, industries and geographies.
  • Appraise and critically analyze a social media campaign and its relevance to digital communications, journalism and/or public relations.
  • Examine the role of SEO methodologies focusing on the possible benefits and limitations of SEO tactics.
  • Identify key historical milestones in the development of social media.
  • Analyze the economic, political and social impacts of social media on society.
Platforms: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and others
  • Create a social media campaign using knowledge of models, theories and best practices.
  • Compare and contrast social media communities/stakeholders with more traditional community structures.
  • Define social media and explain its importance to individuals and organization across sectors, industries and geographies.
  • Appraise and critically analyze a social media campaign and its relevance to digital communications, journalism and/or public relations.
  • Identify key historical milestones in the development of social media.

Vaynerchuk, G. (2013).

  • Final Exam
Social media analytics
  • Write clear, creative and effective communication materials for various social media platforms, using CP style as appropriate.
  • Define social media and explain its importance to individuals and organization across sectors, industries and geographies.
  • Communicate ideas clearly and effectively using a variety of social media platforms.
  • Examine the role of SEO methodologies focusing on the possible benefits and limitations of SEO tactics.
  • Identify key historical milestones in the development of social media.
  • Analyze the economic, political and social impacts of social media on society.
  • Final Exam

Required Resources

Title ISBN

Mayfield, A. (2009). What is social media? http://www.icrossing.co.uk/fileadmin/uploads/eBooks/What-is-Social_Media_iCrossing-ebook.pdf


Adler, R., Rodman, G. & Sevigny, A. (2015). Understanding human communication. Don Mills: Oxford University Press Canada. Ch. 8


Flew, T. & Smith, R. (2011). New media - An introduction. Toronto, Canada: Oxford University Press. 

Handley, A. & Chapman, C. (2012). Content rules. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 

Qualman, E. (2014). What happens in Vegas stays on YouTube. Cambridge, MA: Equalman Studios. 

Hubspot (n.d.). What is SEO? The introductory guide search engine optimization in 2017. Retrieved from: https://offers.hubspot.com/free-ebook-introduction-to-search-engine-optimization



Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is the formal evaluation and credit-granting process whereby candidates may obtain credits for prior learning. Prior learning includes the knowledge competencies and skills acquired, in both formal and informal ways, outside of post-secondary education. Candidates may have their prior learning evaluated against the course learning outcomes as defined in the course outline.

To find out if this course is eligible for PLAR, and how this learning would be assessed, please contact the Program Coordinator for more details.

Academic Regulations

It is the student's responsibility to be aware of the College Academic Regulations. The Academic Regulations apply to all applicants to Humber and all current students enrolled in any program or course offered by Humber, in any location. Information about academic appeals is found in the Academic Regulations.  

Anti-Discrimination Statement

At Humber College, all forms of discrimination and harassment are prohibited. Students and employees have the right to study, live and work in an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. If you need assistance on concerns related to discrimination and harassment, please contact the Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion or the Office of Student Conduct.

Accessible Learning Services

Humber strives to create a welcoming environment for all students where equity, diversity and inclusion are paramount. Accessible Learning Services facilitates equal access for students with disabilities by coordinating academic accommodations and services.  Staff in Accessible Learning Services are available by appointment to assess specific needs, provide referrals and arrange appropriate accommodations. If you require academic accommodations, contact:

Accessible Learning Services

North Campus: (416) 675-6622 X5090

Lakeshore Campus: (416) 675-6622 X3331 

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is essentially honesty in all academic endeavors. Academic integrity requires that students avoid all forms of academic misconduct or dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating on tests or exams or any misrepresentation of academic accomplishment.


While every effort is made by the professor/faculty to cover all material listed in the outline, the order, content, and/or evaluation may change in the event of special circumstances (e.g. time constraints due to inclement weather, sickness, college closure, technology/equipment problems or changes, etc.). In any such case, students will be given appropriate notification in writing, with approval from the Senior Dean (or designate) of the Faculty.


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See the Humber Libraries website for additional information regarding copyright and for details on allowable limits.

Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning • 2023/2024.