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100+ Diploma to Degree Pathways 


150+ Masters Pathways


3 Campus Events + Website to Connect

What is the Humber Pathways Fair?

The Humber Pathways Fair is your opportunity to network and meet representatives from Humber’s six Faculties and from our Canadian and international post-secondary partners. This event takes place once a year and gives you the opportunity to learn about master’s, graduate certificate and degree completion options. 

You should attend this event if you hope to continue your studies now, or at some point in the future. 

Make the Most of Your Time at the Pathways Fair

Sample Questions

  • I’m looking to pursue my studies in _________/I’m hoping to become a ________ in the future. Does your Faculty/institution offer a program in this field? 

  • What are the benefits to applying to your Faculty/institution? 

  • What areas of study does your institution specialize in? 

  • How long will it take to complete your program/pathway? How is your program delivered (in-person, online and/or hybrid)? 

  • Does your program require admissions testing or does it have alternative requirements (portfolio review, essay, etc.)? 

  • What is a competitive grade to gain admittance? 

  • When should I apply? Is there an application deadline? 

  • How do I apply? Is there a fee? If so, how much is it? 

  • Do you offer scholarships, bursaries or other financial assistance to transfer/pathways students?

  • If I took some time off between my current program and your program, would this affect my ability to be admitted to this program/pathway?

Before The Event

  • Register for the event and plan your day.
  • Identify what days and locations the Faculties/institutions you want to speak with will be attending.
  • Write down a list of questions you want to ask faculty/institution representatives.

During The Event

  • Come with an open mind. There are many paths and possibilities available to you as a Humber student/graduate. Do not place limits on your future aspirations/endeavours by only focusing on what you already know. 
  • Speak to as many representatives as possible, especially the faculties and institutions you may not recognize. They may have a program you are looking for or may recommend a program/pathway you may not have thought of. 
  • Have your questions ready when you approach the faculty/institution's booth. If you’re not sure what to ask, use the list of sample questions we’ve provided. 
  • Have a pen and paper or other recording device on hand if you would like to take notes 
  • If the representative is not able to answer all your questions, ask who you can contact for further details. 

After The Event

  • Check your notes and identify if you have any further questions.
  • Contact the institution regarding your questions using the contact info/contact card found on each faculty/partner page.
  • Apply! Apply to the programs/faculties/institutions that are of interest to you.

Registration & Details

Register Now
