Ultra: Technical Help

Adding Student Permissions to your Course

Student permission issues can happen in both Original and Ultra course experiences. If your course has student permission issues, it may present in the following...

Additional Blackboard Requests

The following can be requested by a faculty member upon approval of Associate Dean. Merge Courses (Previously referred as cross-listing. More about this below.) Grant/Revoke...

Blackboard Browser Checker

Blackboard created this Browser Checker web page to automatically check if your browser supports Blackboard.   Blackboard Browser Checker: https://help.blackboard.com/Learn/Instructor/Ultra/Getting_Started/Browser_Support/Browser_Checker

Clearing Browser Cache

Your Internet browser’s cache stores certain information of webpages you visit on your computer or mobile device so that they’ll load more quickly upon future...

Multi-Factor Authentication

At Humber, you are required to use Multi-Factor Authentication when logging in. The below guide was created by Humber IT Services. Please contact ITS with...