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Visualizing the COIL Process

Visualizing the COIL Process


  • Interested in COIL? Submit your pitch during our call for proposals using the easy-to-use provided template and guide. A small committee of members from your Academic Faculty or department and Humber Global will review proposals to determine alignment and resources to support your COIL initiative.
  • In your proposal, consider applying for Humber’s “Seed” or “Cultivate” Research and Innovation Fund to access resources to conduct a complimentary project aligned to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).


  • If your proposal receives a green light, Humber Global will help match you with a faculty/staff at one of our international partner institutions.
  • Meet with your partner to begin your COIL development, facilitated by Humber Global and the International Coordinator in your academic faculty.
  • Work together with your partner to:
    • Define student learning goals
    • Determine the length of the interaction
    • Design comparative and collaborative activities
    • Select methodology and tools for collaboration
    • Develop a project plan with timelines, roles, and assessment
  • If you’ve successfully applied for Humber’s Seed or Cultivate Research and Innovation Fund, engage with Humber’s Research and Innovation team on the next steps.


  • Arrange for a pre-COIL student workshop Virtual Collaboration & Intercultural Awareness 1 facilitated by Humber Global, where partnered students will prepare for their experience from an intercultural perspective.
  • Time to begin your COIL project! Kickoff your project with student icebreakers and teambuilding activities to develop trust and engagement. 
  • At the mid-point of your COIL initiative, arrange for students to attend a second reflective intercultural workshop provided by Humber Global, Virtual Collaboration & Intercultural Awareness 2.
  • Throughout the COIL project, gather pictures, insights, testimonials, media and final deliverables to share in your final report and to feature on our website/social media, with consent from participants.
  • Finish COIL project and arrange for a final workshop for students to reflect on their experience from a career and professional development perspective, provided by Humber Advising and Career Centre & Humber Global: Career & Professional Development.

Evaluate and Reflect

  • Gather final feedback and testimonials from the COIL participants at partnered institutions.
  • Engage in a final meeting with your partner to review entire COIL experience, supported by Humber Global and the International Coordinator in your academic faculty. In this session we’ll look at successes, lessons gathered, and where to go next! Opportunities to showcase your project and contribute to SoTL research will also be discussed.

COIL Workshop Descriptions

Faculty/Staff Meetings: COIL Awareness, Development, Implementation and Assessment

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Conception and Initiation: Introduction to COIL

This meeting presents the concept of COIL to the Humber community. Topics include: definition; strategic alignment; forms (ex. applied international research; WIL; capstone project); learning outcomes; milestones, and key contacts / “next steps” to get started.

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Definition and Planning: Getting Started – COIL Tools, Development & Integrating the HLOs

After receiving approval to run a COIL initiative, this meeting supports the faculty/staff leads with the tools, resources, and considerations they need to develop a successful COIL, and integrate the HLOs. The audience is both the Humber lead and the lead from the global partner.

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Closure and Assessment: Reviewing COIL

This meeting is designed to debrief and document the lessons learned from the COIL experience; and encourage sharing of experience and best practices through different venues (ex. Humber’s Showcase, JIPE, conference presentations, etc.)

Student Workshops: Intercultural Awareness and Professional Development

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Pre-COIL: Virtual Collaboration & Intercultural Awareness Training 1

In this workshop, participants will explore the relationship between their own culture, language and communication, and their personal identity. Participants will reflect upon the cultural diversity that exists in their daily interactions within local and global communities. Through this session, participants will learn how to build their intercultural capacity for working in diverse groups using virtual platforms.

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Mid-COIL: Virtual Collaboration & Intercultural Awareness Training 2

Building on participants’ experiential learning, this session will dive deeper into intercultural fluency through looking at cross-cultural skills in action, in classrooms, the workplace, at- home and in the larger community. In this workshop, participants will openly reflect on their implicit bias and intercultural conflict management.

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Post-COIL: Career & Professional Development

Facilitated in partnership with Humber’s Career Centre, the Career & Professional Development workshop utilizes the Humber Learning Outcomes (HLO) framework to help students identify and articulate their skill development over the course of their COIL experience.

There is a focus on reflection, resume building, interview skills and how to market experience to potential employers.