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Studying abroad provides you with an exciting learning experience that takes you well beyond the classroom. You have the opportunity to broaden your horizons and experiences through a variety of global opportunities.

Humber students who return from studies or internships abroad routinely say that it was a life-changing experience and one of the most personally, professionally, and educationally rewarding things they have ever done.

You can choose from a broad range of international opportunities, which can last in duration from a week abroad to a full academic semester.

Will I Receive Academic Credit?

Humber academic credit is awarded for most, but not all, opportunities. This is a great way to continue your program and not delay your graduation time! Keep in mind that non-credit programs still provide you with endless benefits for your personal development and future career and are eligible for Co-Curricular Record. You will work with your International Faculty Coordinator to find the best program fit and for approval to transfer academic credit back to your Humber program. This is done through a Learning Agreement and your International Faculty Coordinator will ensure the following requirements are met:

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Your course / program is sponsored by an accredited institution 

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You obtained approval prior to departure

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The work completed overseas does not duplicate previous work 

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You earn a passing grade in the courses taken abroad, verified by an official transcript

Academic credit received through our global learning programs does appear on your official transcript. Note: the grades you receive while abroad will be “pass/fail” and will not be counted toward your overall GPA. This is something to keep in mind especially for awards and distinctions at Humber.

How Much Will it Cost?

The cost of going abroad varies depending on several factors, including the length of the program, the location, currency exchange rate, and your own personal spending habits. It is Humber’s priority to ensure that study abroad programs are affordable to all students.

You should set aside a budget for:

  • Regular Humber tuition and fees payable to Humber based on the number of transfer credit OR the set fee of the study tour package (in the case of semester abroad exchange, and other Humber-organized programs)
  • Local tuition fees set by your host institution (in the case of non-exchange semester abroad programs)
  • International and in-country travel fees
  • Supplementary health insurance (mandatory)
  • Accommodation, food, and basic necessities
  • Any required fees to the host institution (e.g. student fees)
  • Communication, incidental costs, miscellaneous expenses, etc.
  • Passport and visa application (as needed)
  • Immunization if necessary

Is Funding Available?

Humber is pleased to offer a Global Learning Bursary to support students who are completing part of their academic journey abroad. This bursary provides students with financial support for an eligible period of academic study, work term, or co-op placement outside of Canada. Visit the Scholarships & Bursaries page for more details on how to apply and to download the application forms.

Global Skills Opportunity Logo

Funding is made possible in part to by Global Skills Opportunity, the Government of Canada’s Outbound Student Mobility Pilot Program. For eligible students — specifically Indigenous students, students from low-income backgrounds and those with disabilities, additional funding is available for your experience.

Do I Need to Know a Foreign Language?

No! Humber offers programs in both English-speaking (ex. Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand) and non-English speaking (ex. Taiwan, Austria) countries. However, all of our partner institutions offer a wide variety of courses in English, regardless of location. When you go abroad, you will be studying with students from all over the world on internationalized campuses.

Studying abroad is a great opportunity to develop foreign language skills, and knowing a foreign language is always beneficial; however, being multilingual is not a requirement for participating in study abroad programs.

How Do I Know If I’m Eligible?

Opportunities exist for all currently enrolled Humber students in each one of our faculties to go abroad. It is advised that you first complete at least one full semester of study at Humber and be in good academic standing. After reviewing our website, contact us at Humber Global and your Program Coordinator to speak about opportunities to go abroad. You’re making a decision that will open up your world!