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The Global Citizenship Certificate is paused for now.


Humber’s innovative Global Citizenship Certificate (GCC) prepares you for engaged living in a culturally diverse and rapidly changing world. Through a combination of academic courses and experiential learning, you will gain a highly valued global perspective, deepen your understanding of human diversity, interconnectedness, and cultural complexity and enhance your sense of personal and community responsibility.

The Global Citizenship Certificate is a cross-college, multi-disciplinary program designed to accommodate currently enrolled students in any of Humber’s six academic Faculties. Envisioned as a "global backpack" or a set of online courses and experiences that you can fit into your current studies, the program requires you to examine the questions of meaning and value associated with the theme of citizenship within today's global world.

Once successfully completing the program requirements you will be awarded a Certificate of Completion in Global Citizenship. You will exit with an e-portfolio documenting your global skills, knowledge and experiences to share with potential employers and/or your community of professional interest.


GBLC 001

Introduction to Global Citizenship

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GBLC 002

Citizen at Humber

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GBLC 003

Citizen of the World

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Core or Elective

Global Studies Course

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(1) GBLC 001:
Introduction to Global Citizenship

This course introduces the concept of global citizenship, including relevant knowledge, skills, values and civic actions. Learners will reflect upon the rights and responsibilities of citizenship within communities at local, national and global levels, and explore the historical and contemporary contexts that shape what it means to be a global citizen as related to their academic discipline. Learners will produce an e-portfolio to intentionally map out and document their learning experiences and outcomes in the Certificate.

Approximate time to complete (at your own pace): 30 hours.


(2) GBLC 002: 
Citizen at Humber

This course introduces the concept of community, including factors of locality, membership, unity/cohesion, authority, scope and boundaries. Learners will explore the core principles and building blocks of community engagement and development, as well as barriers to participation, and analyze their own role as a member of various communities. Learners are provided with guidelines, leads, and a tracking document to complete 40 hours of required community engagement, and will review the benefits and rationale of volunteerism. Learners are introduced to the foundational principles of reflective journaling, with reference with Kolb’s model of experiential learning.

Approximate time to complete (at your own pace): 30 hours + 40 community service learning hours.

Community engagement examples:

(3) GBLC 003: 
Citizen of the World

This course introduces the topics of culture and identity, guided by the Iceberg Concept of Culture, Hofstede’s theory of Cultural Dimensions and Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. Learners will explore topics relevant to understanding the spectrum of identity, uncovering implicit bias, awareness of issues related to equity and inclusion, and community engagement in a culturally diverse and interdependent world.

Approximate time to complete (at your own pace): 30 hours.

Global Studies Course:

One core or elective course in your program which has “internationalized” learning outcomes. See course catalogue:


Conversations about the importance of Global Citizenship Education are happening all around us! Learn more by watching these externally-produced videos:

Global Citizenship Video

Watch the video to learn what makes a Global Citizen.

Global Citizenship Education Video

Watch the video to hear the importance of Global Citizenship Education (GCED) in a globalized and increasingly interconnected world.

Global Citizenship Education Video

Watch the video to learn about what a Global Citizenship Education provides for students.

1. Why should I add the Global Citizenship Certificate to my education?

Humber College’s Global Citizenship Certificate is an interdisciplinary, four-course online program that helps to prepare you for engaged living in our culturally diverse and rapidly changing world. Through a combination of academic courses, travel experience and extra-curricular activities which fit into your current studies, you’ll gain a highly valued global perspective, deepen your understanding of human diversity, interconnectedness, and cultural complexity, and enhance your sense of personal and community responsibility.

2. Are there any pre-requisites or co-requisites?

Students must complete one academic credit from an approved list of courses holding an “international” attribute offered by one of Humber’s Academic Schools. Courses with this attribute have learning outcomes that contribute to the development of global competency. The intention is to guide learners to think critically about global issues within their career-focused area of professional and personal interest. This “Global Studies Course” may either be a core or elective credit within your chosen area of study. Pre-/co-requisite approval is at the discretion of Humber’s Internationalization Committee. A list of courses with an “international” attribute can be found in Humber’s course catalogue.

3. Who is eligible?

The Global Citizenship Certificate is open to all currently registered Humber students in a diploma, advanced diploma, postgraduate certificate or degree program. On a case-by-case basis non-Humber learners may be approved to enroll in the GCC as part of a special professional development initiative coordinated by the institution.

4. How is the Global Citizenship Certificate delivered?

Learning will take place online via Blackboard (i.e. GBLC 001 – 003), in a classroom setting (i.e. global studies course pre-/co-requisite and pre- and post-departure orientation workshops) and in various community settings. Learners interact and share resources with each other across platforms and between academic schools, and are encouraged to use creative methods to demonstrate their learning outcomes (ex. reflective writing, blogging, film, photography, animation, poetry, drawing, etc.).

5. Will it count toward my degree or diploma program?

Upon successful completion of the Global Citizenship Certificate you will receive a “Certificate of Completion” and notation on your formal academic transcript. Credit cannot be transferred to any other post-secondary credential. GBLC courses will be marked on the basis of “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory” and not be reflected within your grade point average (GPA) at Humber.

6. Can I customize the program to suit my area of interest?

Absolutely! Learners can tailor elements of the Certificate to suit their specific interests by selecting topics, community engagement, and learning experiences abroad that match their academic and/or personal areas of interest.

7. I am currently involved on campus. Can I apply this experience toward the 40-hour engagement experience requirement?

Yes, you can, with approval by the program administrator. It is important that students demonstrate that their experiences provide new opportunities to develop or enhance particular skills, to gain new knowledge in keeping with the Certificate’s stated learning outcomes. The intention of this requirement is to actively engage students in experiences that challenge them to clarify and expand their understanding of themselves in relationship to diverse communities and cultures; to develop, hone and strengthen the skills necessary to adapt, collaborate and lead; and to connect and extend their knowledge to acquire a deeper, critical understanding of political, social, environmental and economic issues.

8. I am not currently involved on campus but I was previously involved in activities before starting the GCC. Can I apply that experience toward the 40-hour community engagement requirement?

No, you cannot. An essential component of the engagement experience is to engage in intentional reflection of skill development and acquired learning. This cannot be achieved retroactively.

9. What is the fee for each of the GCC courses?

There is NO fee to register for each of the GCC courses. The entire Global Citizenship Certificate program is currently offered without cost to students.

10. Sign me up! How do I register?!

Registration is easy! Sign up today by heading to the Course Calendar - search course codes to register (either GLBC 001, 002 or 003). You will receive a confirmation once you have registered in your course.

For more information on the Global Citizenship Certificate, contact