Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:
A Faculty Toolkit

Yuri A | Shutterstock

Demographics of Humber College’s Student Population

The demographics of Humber College's student population, as self-identified, are summarized in the following graphs based on Humber's Fall 2020 Student Success Survey.

Each year, Humber College conducts a survey of its learners from all of the faculties. The survey explores various topics including demographics, career preparations, engagement and the learner experience.

Gender Identity

Approximately 60% of students identify as female, 36% as male, and 2% as gender non-binary, trans or transgender, or other.

Pie chart showing the gender distribution of students at humber

Humber College

Sexual Orientation

Approximately 80% of students identify as heterosexual and 20% identify as members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community (bisexual, gay, pansexual, queer, lesbian, questioning, asexual, two-spirit, or other).

Pie chart showing the sexual orientation of students at humber

Humber College

Racial Background

Humber's student population is heavily racialized, representing 70% of self-identified respondents.

Chart showing the race distribution of students at humber

Humber College


Humber's student population is representative of a wide range of religious beliefs and values with 40% holding religious beliefs other than Christian or non-religious.

Chart showing the religious affiliation of students at humber

Humber College


Students 25 years or older represent 32% of Humber's student population. Students under the age of 25 comprise the remaining 68%.

Pie chart showing the age distribution of students at humber

Humber College


Among the students with disabilities who responded to the Fall 2020 survey, 74% reported that their condition(s) had a negative impact on their academic performance.


  • 76% of students were concerned with paying tuition
  • 56% of students were concerned about financing their housing needs
  • 53% of students were concerned about paying for food
  • Approximately 1 in 4 students were “very concerned” about each category

Demands on Time

  • 1/3 of students work >16 hours/week
  • 12% spend >16 hours/week caring for dependents