Navigating first year can be challenging. There are so many things to do, so much to learn, and it can become overwhelming.
1) Attending class
- You can decide whether or not to attend class, but anything covered in class can be on the test and exam
- Take notes in class (Tips for Success - Notetaking)
- For Online courses or using your course's online platform visit Humber OLC for Blackboard tutorials
2) Read and understand your course outline/ syllabus
- Refer to your course outline/ syllabus for all due dates, guidelines, and expectations
- Make a note of all due dates and exam dates on your schedule
- Look through your course critical path before coming to class and have an idea of what topics will be covered
3) Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek assistance when needed
- Sometimes instructors do not have office hours or do not have time after class to answer your questions. Ask your peers in your class if something was not clear or send the instructor a polite email to clarify questions you may have.
- Use resources available to you:
- Consider making a study group sessions
- Attend a PASS session if your course has one
- Get free peer tutoring for your courses
- Drop in math help at the Math and Writing Centre
- Drop in writing help at the Math and Writing Centre
- Research Help (Library Services)
- Attend one of our learning skills workshops
Quick tips for getting better sleep
Evaluate your room
Your phone
Running thoughts in your mind
Follow a regular sleep schedule