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Academic Integrity of Faculty and Staff Policy

Effective Date: December 13, 2021
Downloadable Version: PDF ICON Academic Integrity of Faculty and Staff
Related Procedure(s): PDF ICON Allegations of a Breach of Academic Honesty of Faculty and Staff
  This document is available in alternate format on request.


Academic integrity is central to the learning environment enjoyed by all members of the Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning (hereafter referred to as "Humber" or "the College") and an expectation of all Humber applicants, students, and teaching staff.

Academic misconduct is an offense against the academic integrity of the learning environment. This policy is intended to outline Humber's standard of scholarly integrity in all activities and to maintain the academic integrity of the institution.


The policy applies to all staff of the College and to all activities related to teaching and learning, supervision, research, administrative and consultative work.

All policies and procedures surrounding Academic Integrity and breaches concerning applicants and students of the College are dealt with in the Academic Regulations.


Academic integrity: Behaviour that builds mutual trust on which scholarly exchanges commonly rest, enabling the ability to evaluate a student’s academic achievements, and the College’s ability to support the acquisition of learning objectives.

Academic Integrity Values: As defined by the International Centre for Academic Integrity they are: honesty, trust, respect, responsibility, fairness, and courage (ICAI, 2013).

Breach of Academic Integrity: An offence which violates the academic integrity of the learning environment, which includes but is not limited to, instances of misrepresentation of personal credentials or achievement, plagiarism, deception, fabrication, bribery, falsification and undisclosed conflicts of interest.


This policy applies to all conduct, by any means whatsoever including, but not limited to internet forums, electronic communications, or other media forms.

  1. Humber expects high standards of education and training and requires that all members of the College community be committed to academic integrity in their educational and professional activities.
  2. All members of the Humber community including staff, students and others involved in the learning environment, are responsible for detecting and reporting any suspected breaches of academic integrity and participating in any investigation.
  3. Any allegation of a breach of academic integrity involving staff will be submitted in writing to the President or his/her designate. The privacy of all individual(s) will be protected during the complaint process (Refer to procedure).



Related Procedure(s):

Allegations of a Breach of Academic Integrity of Faculty and Staff Procedure

Academic Regulations: Humber's Academic Regulations provide very specific regulations for students pertaining to acts of academic dishonesty, misrepresentation of personal performance, and damage to the integrity of scholarly exchanges.