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Purchasing Policy

Effective Date: November 2, 2022
Downloadable Version: PDF ICON Purchasing Policy
Related Procedure(s): PDF ICON Purchasing Procedure
  This document is available in alternate format on request.


The procurement function of The Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning and the University of Guelph Humber (hereafter referred to as “Humber” or “the College”) shall be performed in an open, fair and transparent manner where goods and services are procured in an open competitive environment and where all transactions yield the optimal benefit to the College.

The purpose of this policy is to establish the principles for and the context within which the procurement activity will take place.


This applies to all Humber and University of Guelph Humber employees, contractors, Ignite and consultants for all acquisitions of goods and services procured through Humber unless exempt as listed in the Procedures.


Conflict of Interest: Occurs when an individual makes a decision, or participates in making a decision, in the execution of their employment by the College and at the same time knows, or ought to reasonably to have known, that in making that decision, there may have been an actual, potential or perceived opportunity, to further their personal interests or those with whom they have a familial, business or personal relationship. It includes using an employee’s position within the College, confidential information or corporate time, material or facilities for private gain, direct or indirect benefit, or advancement of the expectation of private gain, benefit or advancement.

Consultant: A person or entity that under an agreement, other than an employment agreement, provides expert or strategic advice and related services for consideration and decision making.

Consulting Services: is defined as the provision of expertise or strategic advice that is presented for consideration in decision making, including without limitation, those provided in the following categories:

  1. Technical and Professional Consultants;
  2. Management Consultants;
  3. Research and Development Consultants (including Systems Development);
  4. Legal Consultants; and
  5. Creative Communications Consultants.

Diverse Supplier: is a business that is 51% or more owned, managed, and controlled by Indigenous Peoples or those from equity-seeking groups, including but not limited to, women, racialized persons, persons with disabilities, newcomers, persons to identify as LGBTQ+, and vulnerable youth; or social enterprises in which 51% or more of total employment or training hours are given to people facing multiple barriers to employment.

Fair Labour Practices: Where suppliers adopt and adhere to rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under national and international labour and social security laws and regulations e.g. principles concerning such things as nondiscrimination, harassment or abuse, child labour, forced labour, right to collective bargaining and freedom of association, hours of work, compensation etc.

Sustainability: Is the long-term maintenance of responsibility, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions, and encompasses the concept of stewardship, the responsible management of resource use.

Social Procurement: Is the achievement of strategic social, economic and workforce development goals using Humber’s process of purchasing goods and services. Humber’s Social Procurement Program is comprised of two components: Supplier Diversity and Workforce Development.

Workforce Development: is an interconnected set of solutions to meet employment needs. It prepares workers with needed skills, emphasizes the value of workplace learning and addresses the hiring demands of employers.

Value Add Incentives: is an offer by the vendor, over and above the primary goods or services being procured, with the intent of increasing the overall value to Humber. Any value add incentives must be directly relevant and transparently connected to the procurement activity.


1.  General

1.1. Humber shall adopt leading procurement principles and practices, subject to applicable Local, Provincial and Federal laws.

1.2. Humber abides by The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) and the Supply Chain Canada (SCC) code of ethics and guiding principles.

1.3. Humber shall incorporate sustainability, social procurement, workforce development, social responsibility and fair labour into the procurement practices as appropriate, and give favorable consideration in its evaluation process to those goods and services that reflect this commitment.

1.4. Purchasing shall be responsible for the purchase of all materials, equipment and services required by the College except land leases and real property acquisitions, insurance, employees hired through Human Resources, employee fringe benefits and miscellaneous petty cash, or items exempt from this policy as described in the procedure document.

1.5. The College shall award contracts for goods and services using the most appropriate procurement practices based on the acquisition methods described in the associated Procedures.

1.6. Humber is committed to working collaboratively with other public agencies to develop co- operatives and shared services where such are beneficial for Humber. Where Humber participates in collaborative initiatives involving a lead agency, the policies and procedures of the lead agency shall apply.

1.7. Humber shall ensure the provisions of both the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) and Canadian European Union Trade Agreement (CETA) are considered during procurement activities and throughout the competitive tendering process. Both trade agreements are similar; however, CFTA is triggered first since that treaty has far lower thresholds for publicly tendering. Procurement thresholds are reviewed and converted to Canadian dollars every two years by the Government of Canada Treasury Board Secretariat.