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Media Communications Procedure

Effective Date: January 29, 2013
Downloadable Version: PDF ICON Media Communications Procedure
  This document is available in alternate format on request.


This procedure outlines activities and protocols that facilitate effective and relevant media communications. The purpose of media communications is to promote Humber’s mandate and mission with key stakeholders in the media. Humber’s media audiences are local, national, and international, in the community, and within the institution.


  1. Media activity is encouraged and Humber shall provide all reasonable cooperation to the media.
  2. The President and Chief Executive Officer is the authorized spokesperson for the College unless a designate is appointed. Subject matter experts may also be asked to speak on behalf of the college when appropriate. The Marketing and Communications department will provide guidance and support to all spokespeople.
  3. The Marketing and Communications Department is responsible to prepare communications plans that are aligned with the College’s strategic and marketing plans. As part of these plans key messages will be developed to help spokespeople answer media questions and provide appropriate and relevant positioning regarding Humber’s brand and value proposition.
  4. The Marketing and Communications department is responsible for the creation and disseminate of all official press releases and advisories as required by the College.
  5. The Marketing and Communications department will provide media training and support to spokespeople to enhancement of their communications skills.
  6. An employee who is contacted by a representative of the media shall discuss the opportunity with the Marketing & Communications department and be advised on how to proceed.  If the media insist on an immediate reply, the employee shall exercise judgment in representing the College and shall provide information that reflects the official strategic directions of the College. All media interactions shall be reported to the Marketing and Communications Department.
  7. Although photography is usually permissible, the following protocols must be observed:
    • Anyone may decline an opportunity to be photographed for the media or College print and/or online materials.
    • The entry of a news photographer into the classroom requires the consent of the classroom instructor.
    • Participants must sign a release form giving permission to publish their photograph.
  8. Although employees as private citizens are free to send “letters to the editor”, comment on blogs or provide opinions on the worldwide web, they should not do so using College stationery or express their College title or position without clearance from the Vice President responsible for marketing and communications.
  9. Employees are responsible for immediately informing the Marketing and Communications department of any occurrence that could be interpreted by the news media to reflect negatively upon the College. ‘Negative news’ may develop from any occurrence or situation which reflects adversely upon an employee, a group or the College as a whole.
  10. OPSEU officials are free to make statements regarding the business of their union. When reaction from the College is required, the Marketing and Communications department will defer to the President and the Associate Vice President Human Resources for resolution. Queries concerning OPSEU or any employee-related issues will be referred to the Associate Vice President Human Resources.
  11. Media questions concerning the Humber Students’ Federation (HSF) should be referred to an official of that organization.
  12. The Athletic Department may communicate with the media concerning athletic events. The Marketing and Communications department should be kept informed and be available to advise and assist on major events as required.
  13. Any accident on campus that results in serious injury to personnel, or significant property damage, is classified as an emergency. Such information should be immediately reported to the Department of Public Safety who will invoke the Emergency Response Plan as required.
  14. A critical incident or emergency situation may result in the Department of Public Safety issuing an alert or update upon consultation with Marketing and Communications to media and/or college stakeholders.

