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Woodbine Downs Daily Parking

$4-$7 /Day

Pay on Exit

Carrier Campus, 85 Woodbine Downs Boulevard
Available Daily


Daily Parking Rates

(Monday - Friday 12:00 am - 11:59 pm) *Effective September 4th 2018

Woodbine Downs Daily Parking Pay on Exit
Time PeriodRate
4 hours or less$4.00
More than 4 hours$7.00

Parking Permit General Information

Parking permits are available on a first come, first serve basis.

  • A permit is issued for use of the registered owner(s) only and cannot be, transferred, re-sold, loaned to another for any reason at any time.
  • At all Lakeshore Campus parking lots and the Centre for Trades & Technology (110 Carrier Drive), a hang tag permit must be hung from the rear view mirror with the number & validity info facing out, so as to be clearly visible from the outside.
  • A valid permit is the only proof that the vehicle has a right to be in a permit parking lot. Permits are numbered, controlled and subject to daily verification.For more information, please view the back of the parking permit. 
  • At North Campus, the off campus lot on Queens Plate Drive, and at 85 Woodbine Downs, each permit holder is assigned a numbered “virtual” permit in our system, A physical hang tag permit is no longer required to be displayed on the vehicle while parked within the gate controlled permit parking lots.

The purchase of a permit constitutes an agreement on the part of the registered owner(s) to abide by the rules as enforced by Humber Parking Services. Humber Parking Regulations and Municipal Bylaws apply to ALL motor vehicles.

Vehicles in violation of these rules will be subject to a Parking Infraction Notice issued under the authority of the Toronto Police Parking Enforcement Contract Services.

For more information, please view the back of the parking permit. 

Refunds for parking permits must be arranged through Parking Services in person. Refunds for Lakeshore Campus and the Centre for Trades & Technology will only be processed when Parking Services has physically received your permit. Prorated Refunds will not be issued for part time staff semester permits returned prior to the end of the semester as they are already heavily discounted in price.

To initiate the refund process, email: parking.sales@humber.ca to schedule a time to stop by the Parking Services Kiosk at the North Campus or M Building Security at the Lakeshore Campus to submit your parking permit.

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