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Parking Regulations


The College Parking Operation is totally self-supporting. The parking revenue generated from the cash lots and permit sales is the sole source of funds that is used to operate and to cover the cost of repairs, maintenance and new construction of all arterial roads and parking lots at all campus locations.

The operating costs are offset through annually adjusted revenue schedules (parking rates), as submitted by the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department, to the Vice President of Administration, for approval by the Board of Governors.


Regulations are designed to provide the maximum overall convenience for the members of the College using their personal vehicles on college property. This is accomplished with the understanding that complete freedom of action is not simultaneously possible for all. Accordingly, the rights of each person were carefully considered to develop as equitable a parking system as possible.


1.1 - The parking and traffic regulations for Humber College are authorized by the Board of Governors and the President of the College.

1.2 - The fees for parking are approved from time to time by the President and the Board of Governors based on annual recommendations as prepared by the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department and the Vice President of Administration.

1.3 - The purpose of the regulations is to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of college business and to provide parking services in support of this function within the limits of available space.

1.4 - The lands and grounds of Humber College are private property. The college permits parking and driving on campus grounds only upon the terms and conditions set forth in these regulations. Provincial laws and municipal by-laws applicable to campus grounds must be observed by persons and may be invoked by the College at any time.

1.5 - Humber College has no legal or contractual obligation to provide parking accommodation and assumes no responsibility for any damage to a motor vehicle or any loss from the vehicle or its contents, while it is driven or parked on college property.

1.6 - Vehicles parked on fire access routes, illegally parked in reserved, disabled, medical or service areas, obstructing the passage of emergency or service vehicles, or blocking the entrance to buildings will be tagged and/or towed. Any vehicle which is parked in a manner obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic will be tagged and/or towed.

1.7 - The College reserves the right to suspend parking privileges temporarily in any area for special events, maintenance, summer operations, or for emergencies as endorsed by the Department of Public Safety and the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department.

1.8 - Every person, who through the operation of a vehicle on college property causes any damage to college property, shall be liable for payment of all costs of repairs or replacement of property. Where the operator of the vehicle is not the owner, the owner of said vehicle shall be liable.

1.9 - College employees and students are responsible for making themselves aware of the regulations pertaining to the operation and parking of vehicles at Humber College, copies of the parking rules and regulations will be made available, on request to any college employee or student.


2.1 - For purposes of these regulations, a “vehicle” includes automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, motor scooters, mini-bikes and any other motor power vehicle.

2.2 - A “visitor” is any person other than a college employee or a registered student parking on campus.

2.3 - A “roadway”, for purposes of these regulations, shall include all designated campus roads, service roads, loading areas, and ways of access to, from and through designated parking lots, which are intended to be used for vehicular traffic.

2.4 - Parking lots are those areas identified on the accompanying maps and are identified as follows:

  • Reserved space lot – admission by gate access card when control gates are in operation. The appropriate, valid parking permit must be displayed from the arm of the rear-view mirror and vehicles are to be parked in their assigned lots.
  • Daily pay lots – admission by payment of the appropriate fee. No re-entry into lot after initial daily fee is paid.
  • General parking lots – admission restricted to holders of appropriate, valid parking permits; and/or permits and gate access card.

2.5 - Other parking areas are identified on the accompanying maps and described as follows:

  • Meter controlled areas – for short term parking.
  • Controlled lot – a parking area provided for guests of the College.
  • Service vehicle area – a parking area reserved for short term parking of service vehicles, by permit issued by parking operations.
  • Motorcycle parking area – parking area specifically designated for motorcycle parking.

2.6 - "Park” or “parking” means the standing of a vehicle whether occupied or not. Parking may be permitted in prohibited areas for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, loading or unloading merchandise or passengers.

2.7 - For the purpose of these regulations, “signs” shall include posters, road markings, signs and other devices, permanently or temporarily erected by the College to regulate or direct the movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and the parking of vehicles on campus.

2.8 - “Parking year” encompasses the period of September 1st through August 31st the following year.


3.1 - All college employees and students who park or expect to park in any designated permit parking lot, shall immediately register through the Humber College Customer Service Centre or authorized representatives and shall pay, or personally authorize to have deducted from their salary or wages, the applicable parking fee.

3.2 - All motor vehicles parked in Lakeshore campus and The Centre for Trades and Technology parking areas must display a valid permit. Parking permits, when issued, shall be displayed on the vehicle, while parked on Humber College property. The permit must be hanging from the arm of the rear view mirror, clearly displayed on the vehicle dashboard, or affixed to the front window on the driver's side and be clearly visible from the outside of the vehicle.

3.3 - To assist in the prevention of theft of parts or stripping of vehicles parked on campus, no person shall carry out repairs, excepting emergency repairs to a vehicle on college property. Security and/or parking guards may require proof of ownership of a vehicle in case of emergency repairs.

3.4 - The rules of the road as contained in the Highway Traffic act shall apply to the Humber College campuses except where those rules conflict with any by-law or regulation of the college.

3.5 - The speed limit on college property is 25 kilometres per hour.

3.6 - Snowmobiles and mini-bikes shall not be operated anywhere on the College property unless approval is granted by the Department of Public Safety and the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department.

3.7 - Parking is permitted only in clearly designated spaces in areas indicated as parking areas. Prior permission must be obtained from the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department if parking is required in other areas due to special circumstances.

3.8 - No vehicle shall be parked in a designated parking lot other than within the limits set out by lines, curbing, markers or signs.

3.9 - No vehicle shall be parked on any roadway and no person shall operate or park any vehicle on any campus grass area or planting bed.

3.10 - No vehicle shall be parked within or outside of any parking area, in front or adjacent to any chained service access way, or in such a manner as to impede or obstruct the continued use of such access way.

3.11 - No vehicle shall be operated or parked upon any service road, loading area, sidewalk or pedestrian walkway, except in case of vehicles authorized by Parking Operations.

3.12 - All vehicles must be moved at the direction of a Parking/Security Guard where in his/her opinion; it constitutes an obstruction or hazard to pedestrians or other vehicles, or to normal maintenance operations.

3.13 - Parking of motorcycles is permitted only in those areas specifically assigned for motorcycle parking, or in an automobile parking area for which the owner has a valid parking permit.

3.14 - Access to gate card controlled or daily cash lots shall be gained only through the use of the appropriate card or the deposit of the appropriate fee, and any other method of entry shall be considered in contravention of these regulations and may be cause for immediate removal of the vehicle concerned.

3.15 - Any person, who by any method assists an unauthorized person to gain access to a controlled parking lot in contravention of these regulations, shall have his/her parking privileges on campus rescinded.

3.16 - Every person in charge of a motor vehicle who is directly or indirectly involved in an accident on college property shall stop and report the accident immediately to a college parking/security guard or a police officer.

3.17 - Every person who, as a result of an accident or otherwise, operates or drives a vehicle on college property, and thereby damages any shrub, tree, pole, light, sign, sod, or other property on college grounds, shall immediately report such damage to the Department of Public Safety.

3.18 - Parking control gate access cards, when issued to permit holders, remain the property of the College and shall be returned to the Customer Service Centre or their authorized representative on: termination of parking permit, cancellation of parking privileges or demand to the Director of Capital Development and Facilities Management Department or their authorized representative.

3.19 - Only one card shall be issued to or be in the possession of each parking permit holder.

3.20 - Responsibility for the safe custody of gate access cards rests with the parking permit holder, and a replacement fee of $25 will be charged for replacement of the missing gate access card.


4.1 - Annual or semester parking permits will be issued on payment of the approved fee, subject to space availability. Annual parking permits are available to college employees or students and are valid as designated. Payment for all permits may be made by cash, credit card, debit card, or by payroll deduction for full time employees only.

4.2 - An annual reserved space permit entitles the holder, subject to the provisions of the Parking Regulations, to park in a specifically designated reserved space for a period of one year. The College reserves the right to charge an administrative fee to staff that choose to relocate to a new parking space within the same reserved lot. There is no charge to relocate from a general parking space to a reserved lot space.

4.3 - Semester reserved space permits will be made available at the beginning of each semester and will be allocated on a semester by semester basis. This permit entitles the holder, subject to the provision of the Parking Regulations, to park in a specifically designated area for the period of one semester.

4.4 - Those persons accessing reserved space areas or other areas designated for gate card entry will be issued such cards upon payment of a deposit.

4.5 - Parking permits must be returned all or in part or satisfactory evidence produced of its total destruction before a second permit will be issued at the established charge.

4.6 - Before a second parking permit can be issued for any area, a “Declaration of Missing Parking Permit” form must be completed online and submitted. The college has the right to utilize this form for a police report and has the right to charge a pro-rated fee for the balance of the term for the issuance of a new permit. A $25 fee will be charged for the replacement of the missing permit.

4.7 - All parking permits must be removed from vehicle before transfer of ownership.

4.8 - Vehicles which have soft tops and/or persons requesting a non-removable tag must obtain a special locked permit from the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department. The original issued permit will remain in the possession of the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department until the locked permit is returned by the permit holder.


5.1 - Medical: Any person associated with the College having temporary health or disability problems may apply for Medical parking privileges. Medical certificates are required in support of each application and must be re-validated upon request. College medical permits are issued for a maximum of 2 months and are non-renewable, unless authorized by the Customer Care Service Centre. Valid Ministry of Transportation Disabled Persons Permits must be displayed in the front windows of vehicles accessing designated disabled parking spaces.

5.2 - Temporary: Temporary parking permits are available to members of the College community to enable them to park in other than their authorized parking lot, (fire access routes excepted), for the purpose of transporting material to and from the internal areas of the campus or for emergency identification purposes in the temporary absence of a valid permit. These permits may be obtained on request from a parking guard at the Parking Informtion Kiosk.

5.3 - Service: Service vehicles will be assigned a specific parking area at the discretion of the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department.

5.4 - Visitors: Visitors to the College are required to park in the daily pay lots, metered parking areas or other areas as assigned by the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department and display the appropriate Temporary Parking Permit.

5.5 - Guests: Guests of the College are identified by the specific Department or School. A Courtesy Guest Parking Request must be submitted through an online submission form to Parking Services under the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department, and a guest parking permit will be issued at the discretion of Parking Services. The costs of all such requests may be charged at the current daily parking rate to the department making the request. Any Humber College staff who work at off campus satellite facilities and are required to attend at one of the main campuses for business purposes may request their own guest parking permit at no cost to them.


Parking violations:

6.1 - The parking of a vehicle in any lot between the hours of 7:00a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday without a properly displayed, clearly visible, un-defaced valid standard or special parking permit is in violation of the parking regulations of Humber College.


  • Parking in unauthorized or service areas, or other areas not designated for parking.
  • Parking in an area for which the permit is not valid.
  • Parking in a roadway, fire access route, or within 15 metres of a fire access route.
  • Blocking or obstructing roadway, sidewalk, fire hydrant, building entrance or exit.

6.3 - Obtaining a parking permit by unauthorized means, or parking a vehicle displaying such a permit.

6.4 - Tampering with or damaging control gate systems, parking metres, or college signs.

6.5 - Contravention of any other provisions of these regulations.

6.6 - Misrepresentation of parking status – including forged or altered permits.

Traffic violations:


  • Exceeding posted speed
  • Failure to obey regulatory signs
  • Driving on other than campus roads, or driving while impaired
  • Failure to yield the right of way to pedestrian traffic
  • Careless driving
  • Failure to obey the directions of a parking/security guard or authorized College staff when they are engaged in controlling traffic


7.1 - Illegally parked cars may be issued a Parking Infraction Notice (ticket) as issued under the authority of the Toronto Police Services and/or be towed at the owner’s exclusive expense and liability.

7.2 - The driver of the vehicle or the person recorded as the owner will be responsible for the costs involved in removing, impounding, and storing as well as the owner identification costs.

7.3 - Violations of the parking regulations will make the owner and/or driver responsible for the maximum daily parking charge, Parking Infraction Notice fee, towing charges, tracing and other administrative charges.

7.4 - Parking privileges may be withdrawn for abuse of the parking regulations. Continued parking on college property after notification of cancellation of parking privileges may result in the offending vehicle being impounded at the owner’s exclusive expense and liability.

7.5 - Continued abuse of the parking regulations and/or non-payment of parking charges will result in a recommendation regarding disciplinary action including dismissal, non-renewal of contract or rescinding of all parking privileges.

7.6 - Parking Officers certified as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers with the Toronto Police Services, Parking Enforcement Unit, are authorized to administer the bylaws of the Municipal Corporation and levy such penalties as required.

7.7 - Misrepresentation of a parking permit shall invoke a fine of $100.00 for the first offence. Parking privileges will be suspended until payment has been made in full to the College.


8.1 - If a driver or an owner has reason to object to a Parking Infraction Notice or to towing, removal and impoundment of their vehicle, or any other parking regulation, they may file a parking Violation Appeal.

8.2 - The Appeal must be in writing, and received by the Capital Development and Facilities Management Department.

8.3 - The Parking Violation Appeal online submission form is available at www.humber.ca/facilities/parking-transportation/violation-appeal

8.4 - A person filing an Appeal shall be entitled to attend before the College Parking Appeals Committee if they request it.

8.5 - Appeals shall be dealt with by the College Parking Appeals Committee which may refund part or all of the associated penalty costs of tagging or towing. The appellant must provide proof of paying the ticket. The decision of the Committee will be rendered within one month of reviewing the Appeal.

8.6 - The College Parking Appeals Committee shall announce its decision by serving on the person filing a Parking Violation Appeal, a Notice of Decision by ordinary mail.

8.7 - The decision of the Parking Appeals Committee with respect to a Parking Violation Appeal shall be final.