Residence Safety

Both campuses are secure environments and we promote safety at all times.  Nothing is more important to us than the safety and security of all residents.
The Residence Safety Program includes:

  • 24/7  Campus Security Staff, regular patrols throughout the North and Lakeshore campuses
  • 24/7 Residence Front Desk Staff, all students must show their residence card upon entry
  • All non-residents must sign in with the front desk
  • Evening patrols through the Residences by Residence staff and/or security staff
  • Security cameras on all floors and exits in Residence to ensure the safety of all residents
  • Resident Assistants on every floor
  • Live in senior staff available during emergencies
  • 24/7 On-call management
  • Campus Walk Program. This program enables students to request a personal escort to their vehicles, residence, or to the perimeter of campus
  • Humber also has a Critical Incident plan which can be viewed on the Humber Public Safety Website. The Residence staff has a key role in the development of all Critical Incident plans
  • Although extremely unlikely, we have a contingency plan for Flu Pandemics and other threats
  • We review all fire emergency procedures with students and hold fire drills once a semester
  • A lock down drill occurs in the fall every year
  • We highly advise all students to become familiar with the Humber Public Safety Website


The single style room buildings at the North Campus have common washrooms that are cleaned daily by our contract cleaning staff.  Our student housekeeping staff is responsible for common areas.  It is every resident's responsibility to keep their private room clean and to do their part in keeping common areas tidy.

Suite style buildings receive cleaning services in the kitchenettes and washrooms only, twice a month.  Residents are responsible for preparing their suite and keeping it clean in between visits.  Notices are posted on the first floor white boards indicating when suites are scheduled for cleaning.


All maintenance requests must be entered online at or repairs will not occur. Log in with your HCNET username and password. If you need any help entering work orders or logging in, just see one of our friendly staff members at the Front Desk.

Pest Control

Residences at Humber take the health and safety of our students very seriously. All mattresses are enclosed in a special encasement and rooms are inspected twice a year by a specially trained dogs to identify any problem areas. Read more »

Fridge Rentals (North Campus Single Style Only)

Students interested in having a refrigerator in their single style room can rent one through Humber College’s approved contractor Coldex. Renting from Coldex assists Humber in providing a safe and healthy living environment in residence, and contributes to sustainability efforts. Prices include delivery, pick up and any required maintenance for the duration of the rental period. For pick up information, please click here and complete the "Deposit Request Form".

Internet and Cable

Internet Access Humber Resnet provides wireless internet access in all residence rooms, lounges and studies in the residence. Resnet is a shared resource; please review the Acceptable Use Policy at before connecting. Wireless access points (WAPs) are located in each residence room and throughout the buildings. Do not attempt to remove a WAP. Any costs associated with damage or interference with any WAP will be the responsibility of the resident(s). Service disruptions, although rare, do occur from time to time. Humber is not responsible for any loss, cost, or liability caused by Internet services being unavailable. Residents cannot have external internet providers for their rooms.

Rogers Cable – if you want access to cable in your room, you may want to sign up with Rogers, our approved external contractor.


Residence students need their own bed linens, towels and related items and Campus Linens of Canada is uniquely situated to supply these to the Humber residents. For your convenience, Campus Linens of Canada will ship your order directly to your Humber residence. Once your linens are received, residence staff will place your bed linens and bathroom package addressed to you in your designated room prior to your arrival.

Covid-19 Updates

Current Measures in Residence

Updated August 25, 2023

Humber Residence continues to encourage residents to stay up to date on vaccinations and follow all Public Health guidelines.

Any residents who become ill will be required to isolate in their own room. Students will not be relocated for isolation. Students who are able to isolate at home may choose to do so instead. In isolation, students will be required to wear a tight-fitting mask when leaving their room to pick up food, or use the washroom, whether this is the nearest washroom in your dorm floor or your suite washroom.

For more information about what students need to know before coming to campus, please visit:

As measures change, we will provide updates on this page.

Masks in Residence

Residence is a mask-friendly environment. Unless the public health situation in the province changes dramatically, indoor masking on campus will be a personal choice.

Are You Feeling Sick?

Updated August 25, 2023

Complete the Covid-19 Self-Assessment found at https// If you need to isolate, please follow the instructions provided and refer to Residence Isolation Requirements below.

If you need further assistance, call:

North Residence: 416-675-6622 ext. 77201
Lakeshore Residence: 416-675-6622 ext. 73001

Residence Isolation Requirements

Updated August 25, 2023

Residents who are symptomatic are required to isolate in accordance with Public Health guidelines. You may choose to go home to isolate if possible, or you may stay in your own room while isolating.

If you are isolating in residence:

You will remain in your current room for the duration of your isolation; You may leave your room to pick up food and to use the washroom. You must wear a tight-fitting mask when leaving your room to pick up food, or use the washroom, whether this is the nearest washroom in your dorm floor or your suite washroom.