The office of Strategic Planning + Institutional Analysis (SPIA) has completed the 2016 Environmental Scan. The E-Scan can be found in its new interactive, user-friendly, web-based format at and the SPIA website.
The new website is a hub for research, data and analysis on topics and trends that influence postsecondary education broadly, and Humber specifically. Features include economic, political, social, technological and competitive trends in higher education, as well as detailed data and analysis on Humber’s applications, confirmations and enrolments in a flexible database format.
The information found on the site can be used for a wide range of purposes, including:
- Understanding Humber’s competitive environment
- Considering new programs for future development
- Developing grant applications
We will notify the community via Communique and other forums as new information is posted to the site and encourage you to share with your operational teams. Login to learn more.
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