Accessible Learning Services Best Practices Considerations - Implementing UDL in Group Work

Accessible Learning Services shares some helpful considerations to support learners' group work requirements:

  • Finding a group can present specific barriers for students with disabilities. It can be very helpful to randomly assign students to groups. 

  • Finding one other student to pair-up may be more manageable for students. Consider allowing students to find a pair and then assign pairs to groups.  

  • Some students may experience disability-related barriers to interpersonal communication. Should difficulties arise within their group, support students in addressing the concerns.  

  • Provide sufficient time for the group work to be completed. If students are required to meet outside of class time, students may have disability-related reasons that they need to be able to plan for group meetings in advance e.g., booking an ASL interpreter, arranging for transportation.  

  • Students may require an alternative to group work as an accommodation. Plan for this in advance by having an individual assignment prepared that achieves the same learning outcomes.  

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities. 

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