Humber has partnered with Renewed Computer Technology to offer students with financial need the opportunity to purchase refurbished desktop or laptop computers at affordable prices.
The program was piloted in the Winter 2020 semester and since COVID-19, has evolved to allow for shipping directly to the homes of our learners or direct warehouse pick-ups.
Humber students and community clients with financial need. Students are eligible if they are on financial assistance such as – OSAP, OW, ODSP – or are a limited income individual or family as defined by Statistics Canada (LICO). Open to Humber College/UGH domestic and international students, and clients of Humber College Community Employment Services.
Humber's partnership with Renewed Computer Technology is allowing the college to provide an additional avenue of support for students with technology access needs.
Please share this information with any students who might benefit from this program.
Students can learn more and apply for this program here.