AI Conversation: Now Available in Blackboard

Blackboard has launched a new activity called AI Conversation. Currently, it is a Socratic questioning exercise guided by AI, allowing students to explore their thoughts on a topic. In the future, there are plans for this activity to incorporate Role-play and Scenario based learning!

There are two elements to the activity:

  • AI Conversation
    • This lets students think critically about the topic that you, as the instructor, designs.
  • Reflection question
    • This asks the student to share their thoughts on the activity.

Instructors have the following configuration options:

  • A topic for the AI Conversation and an AI persona including a name, avatar, and personality trait,
  • Complexity level of responses,
  • And edit the reflection question, guiding the student on how best to reflect on this activity.

Please learn more about this new activity, along with the best practices for using this activity at Innovative Learning's Faculty Blackboard Help site.

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