ALS Best Practice Considerations - Outstanding Assignments and Tests/Exams

At this time of year it is common for instructors to experience an influx of requests for extensions on assignments and tests. Please consider the following:

  • Students may miss assignment deadlines or tests/exams. For students with disabilities, it could be due to an unpredictable flare-up of their condition outside of their control. 

  • It can be difficult for faculty to balance academic rigor and accountability for what students are to learn, with a fair and manageable process for those who miss required tests/exams and assignments. 

  • Consider creating a contingency supplemental assignment or alternate version of each test/exam that can be used during the semester as needed.  

Please view the attached article on suggestions to manage missed exams and assignments: Dealing With Students Missing Exams and In-Class Graded Assignments – Association for Psychological Science – APS

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.