Best Wishes to Brad Herd, Associate Dean, Longo Faculty of Business

Dear Colleagues

I am writing to share that Brad Herd will be leaving Humber to begin a new phase of his life with his family in Nova Scotia.

As many of you know, Brad has been at Humber for over 15 years serving students and faculty as a mentor, professor, program coordinator and most recently as Associate Dean for the Longo Faculty of Business. As Associate Dean, Brad has already made a difference to the teaching and learning environment for Business students. He has been an advocate for industry partners to be part of many classroom activities and presentations. He was instrumental in the development of the Stack & Stay Longer international marketing campaign in attracting students to graduate programs at Humber.

Brad has made numerous contributions within and beyond the Longo Faculty of Business. He was dedicated to students and their success. He worked closely with Diane Simpson, Principal, Humber IGS, ensuring that our international students were equipped to succeed in their new environment.

Brad, you will be missed as a leader, innovator and supportive educator. I wish you and your family all the best in Nova Scotia.  The Longo Faculty of Business and Humber will miss you as a member of our family.  

Alvina Cassiani, PhD
Senior Dean, Longo Faculty of Business