CICan 2017 Conference - Call for Presentations

October 31, 2016

Applied Research & Innovation is coordinating presentations under the applied research, entrepreneurship, and innovation theme. Please contact Amanda Brown (416.675.6622 x5722, if you are interested in submitting a presentation.

Canada is celebrating its 150th Anniversary and colleges and institutes across Canada will be gathering April 30 to May 2 in Ottawa at the CICan “Celebration” Conference! 

The CICan Conference will showcase the contribution of colleges and institutes in building a more prosperous and equitable Canada which embraces diversity and inclusion, openness and a strong sense of pride.

Colleges and Institutes are invited to submit presentations that will celebrate excellence in innovative practices and approaches in the following six thematic strands: teaching, learning and student success; applied research, entrepreneurship, and innovation; leadership and governance; serving Indigenous communities; serving rural, remote and northern communities; and international.

Please note that all presenters are responsible for their own conference registration fee, accommodation, travel and other expenses related to their presentation.

To submit a presentation, please visit

Deadline to submit: Monday, November 21, 2016