Convocation - Thank You

Another convocation is now in the history books. Thank you to everyone associated with the delivery of the convocation ceremonies last week. A few stats to put the week in perspective: 10 ceremonies, 8,449 total graduates, 5,123 graduates crossed the stage, and approximately 28,000 guests in attendance over four days.     

Convocation is the celebration which required all of our efforts and hard work. We were able to create a celebration where memories were made and student success was recognized. I would also like to thank the volunteers who supported us. you shelved your regular work to come out support the Registration Office during these events and for that I am grateful. 

I am not the only one who witnesses the efforts (and magic!) during the event. Below is one of the emails I received that I believe truly summarizes our efforts:

“My thanks also to the Registrar’s Office convocation team, for their consistently incredible job orchestrating and managing this week of large scale, complex events, with three ceremonies per day, involving thousands of grads and their family members, and hundreds of Humber staff, volunteers, and important stakeholders. All your work is recognized and truly appreciated”.

I would like to extend a special thank-you to the team who worked closest with me from the beginning to the end of every long day. Thank you for all the moments of crazy, jokes and all the new stories we added to the Convocation Chronicles.

Together we made the celebration a lasting memory in the minds of thousands of graduates and guests. Collectively, we worked together as a team and did an outstanding job. 

I hope everyone was able to relax and catch up on some well-deserved rest over the past weekend. In case anyone was wondering, our next Convocation is November 2-3!


Rhonda Harrison
Chair, Convocation