We have extended the date to submit a proposal to March 25, 2020.
Advising & Career Services at Humber College conducts an annual Advisor Training Conference. Each year, the Advisor Training Conference has a theme reflected in aspects of holistic approach to student advising. The attendees of this conference will be from Humber College, University of Guelph Humber and Humber Community Outreach and Workforce Development.
This year our theme is Advising Without Silos: Collaborating for Student Success. The training conference will be taking place on May 27 at the North Campus and May 28 at the Lakeshore Campus. Please mark your calendars.
On behalf of our Advisor Training Program Committee, we are excited to launch a new opportunity to our colleagues. This year we are encouraging staff and faculty who are interested to submit proposals to present. Sessions will be scheduled for approximately one hour. If you are interested in submitting a proposal please complete the Presentation Proposal Form.
Deadline to submit a presentation proposal has been extended to March 25, 2020. Successful presentations will be contacted by end of March/early April. We hope that you will submit a proposal and join us as we continue to advance the field of advising and student success at Humber.