Flexible Registration Project Update

To the Humber Community, 

Last month we introduced the Humber Community to the Flexible Registration Project (FRP). The FRP will transform the learning environment and empower learners by offering more choices in how, what, when and where they learn. The Project’s scope includes the implementation of non-post-secondary (NPS) policies and procedures, while delivering a new registration system that supports NPS and Continuous Professional Learning at Humber.

As we continue rolling out information about FRP, please watch the video on the CPL website about the upcoming implementation of FRP business processes, and its integral support for the Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) Framework. In the video, project sponsors, Wanda Buote and Sarah Peake, share features and functions that enhance our services to professional learners.

For questions or more information, please contact Jasmine Sanaee, project director, at jasmine.sanaee@humber.ca.