Gina Antonacci, Associate Vice-President, Academic

June 24, 2015

It is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of Gina Antonacci as Humber’s incoming Associate Vice-President, Academic.  Gina is a valued and long-standing member of the Humber team, and is currently the Dean of the School of Social and Community Services. 

Gina brings to the AVP Academic position a wealth of experience as a faculty member, program coordinator and academic administrator.  Her many career successes include 27 years of postsecondary experience, and several years of experience with the Ministry of Correctional Services of Ontario.  She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto, a Master of Science in Criminal Justice from Niagara University, and is currently a PhD candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Please join me in congratulating Gina on this well-deserved appointment.  She will take on this new role effective August 17, 2015. 


Laurie Rancourt
Senior VP Academic
Humber College