Where to Find Information About Campus Closures or Changes to Operations

If a Humber campus or location needs to be closed for any reason, you can find information in the following places: 

  • Humber.ca/updates 
  • Humber.ca banner and humber.ca/alerts 
  • Humber’s X, Instagram and Facebook pages 
  • Humber Guardian App notifications 
  • Students receive a direct email from the Registrar’s Office, if their campus is impacted 
  • *New* - All staff will receive an email about a closure at North or Lakeshore campuses or Humber IGS, whether it impacts their primary campus location or not. 

Please note, that depending on the nature of a campus closure, some of these communications channels may not be operational. It is advised that you check multiple channels. 

Changes to campus operations, such as holiday closures etc. will be communicated in the following places: