Please view a land acknowledgement provided by Lynn Short
The Humber Arboretum is excited to announce the launch of Grow Anywhere – Virtual Learning with the Humber Arboretum. As part of our ongoing commitment to support thriving nature, healthy communities, and world-ready citizens, our staff have been working remotely to curate and develop video content and other resources that will allow our community to connect with and learn about the natural world from anywhere with internet access.
Visit the new Grow Anywhere – Virtual Learning landing page on our website now to:
- Experience the thrill of an unusual backyard wildlife encounter
- Learn about Ontario’s provincial tree, the Eastern white pine
- Get tips on exploring nature as a family
- Learn about composting and tree planting
- Download colouring pages and activity guides
- And submit your own questions to “Ask the Arb”
Coming up soon, you’ll also be able to explore survival skills, discover the music in nature, learn about the paths that led our staff to careers in nature, and much more.
While Grow Anywhere began in response to the need for social distancing, it is being developed with content that will be available for the long-term and will enhance the Arboretum’s in-person programming when it resumes. It will also provide real-world work experience for multiple Humber College and UofGH students this summer, as they use their communication and content creation skills to support the plan.
Bookmark and watch for #GrowAnywhere on the Arboretum’s social media channels to discover new content throughout the coming months.
Connect with the Humber Arboretum online: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Newsletter