How Do Photos Displayed of You Affect You?

Welcome all Humber staff, faculty members and students to a survey related to photography!  

People are affected by the photos they see of themselves and their loved ones. The person who displays the photos may or may not be aware of how others may feel about the photos they display. The people who are in the photos may be sensitive to how they are being portrayed, and those who are not in the photos may be sensitive to being excluded from the displayed photos.  

We hope to find out what people’s experiences are with the displayed photos they grew up with and how they might be emotionally/psychologically affected by being included and/or excluded from photos. Additionally, we are interested in learning if cultural backgrounds have any bearing on perceptions and understanding.  

Why participate?  

Your voice matters in understanding how photographs that are displayed of you affect you as the viewer.

Who we need:  

Staff members from all areas—administrative, academic advising, technical support, management, and more. Your unique experience and perspective is critical for a well-rounded study.

Involvement details:

  • A brief, one-time online survey (15-20 minutes).
  • Optional: Engage in a one-on-one interview on Microsoft Teams (about an hour) for deeper discussions.

Incentives for participation:

  • A $5 token of appreciation for completing the survey.
  • Additional $25 for interview participants.

How to Join:  

Access the survey

If you are interested in the one-on-one interview, please indicate so at the survey’s end. Survey closes on Friday, July 19, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.


All responses are confidential for both SoTL SEED research purposes and potentially a transformational non-fiction book.

The final product will be a workshop (preferably at Humber College’s Showcase 2025) discussing case studies from this project that will resonate with learners. An example or two (with confidentiality guards firmly in place) may even be included in a transformational non-fiction book written by the researcher.

For questions, please contact

This survey is for a Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL) SEED project. Learn more about SoTL at the Office of Research & Innovation (ORI) website.