HRSA Annual Evening Conference

March 17, 2015

On March 5th, the Humber Human Resources Students' Association was proud to host The Annual Evening HR Conference and it was a roaring success.

The HRSA team led by Event and Communications Coordinator, Marta Tsap, and Club President, Marlies Farrill, hosted a conference at Markland Wood Golf Club. Three amazing speakers spoke about their areas of expertise:
ERNIE COETZEE - What you need to know about Employment Law
SUE DOUGLAS - How to create a culture of leadership in YOUR workplace.
RACHEL FINAN - What YOU need to know about the new era of Recruitment

Being future business professionals, the HRSA decided to support KIVA, a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through micro financing to alleviate poverty in developing countries. The students were able to raise over $1300 for KIVA as well as hear from great speakers, and enjoy meeting fellow students, alumni, and HR professionals.