Humber Arboretum’s Jimmy Vincent receives Community Service Recognition

June 23, 2015

Congratulations to Jimmy Vincent and the Centre for Urban Ecology team at the Humber Arboretum! The team received a community service award from Ernestine Women’s Shelter (EWS) for their ongoing sponsorship since 2012 of children from EWS to attend the Centre for Urban Ecology’s nature camps. This sponsorship has been made possible with support from Humber College’s Community and Partnership Grant and HRT Green Team fundraisers. 

Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter was opened in 1983 by a group of Etobicoke community members who saw the need to create a safe place for women and children wishing to leave abusive situations. Since that time, Ernestine’s has assisted over 5000 families with critical and immediate services. 

Alexandra Link
Director, Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology
416-675-6622 ext. 4700