Humber Arboretum Honey for Sale

From hives tucked away in the thick of the Humber Arboretum’s native tall grass meadow, the honey bees that call the Arboretum home forage throughout the forest, gardens, and wildflowers to mingle the flavours of hundreds of plants. While commercial honey is made from a range of honeys blended together for uniformity and then heated, the raw state of the Humber Arboretum’s honey preserves a local flavor that’s as unique as the landscape it came from.

We have limited quantities available in three sizes:

  • 40 ml - $3.50
  • 100 ml - $8.00 
  • 190 ml - $15.00

The honey is available for sale at the welcome desk inside the Centre for Urban Ecology (the building with the big red door in the Humber Arboretum) at North Campus. We’re open Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

For larger quantities or to check if the size you want is still available, call us at 416.675.5009 and ask for Valerie.