Humber College signs the BlackNorth Initiative CEO Pledge

Humber College signs the BlackNorth Initiative CEO Pledge

The Canadian Council of Business Leaders Against
Anti-Black Systemic Racism

BlackNorth Initiative

It is time for systemic anti-Black racism to end.

On Monday, Humber along with more than 200 leaders representing the private, public and non-profit sectors, including the postsecondary sector signed the Pledge to work towards ending anti-Black racism.

Humber is committed to ending anti-Black, anti-Indigenous and anti-Asian racism and all other forms of discrimination. Our goal is to create campuses that are equitable, diverse and inclusive for all.

Several of the requirements outlined in the Black North Initiative Pledge call for actions that the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Taskforce has already identified for inclusion in our institutional EDI Framework and Strategy. Those will be formally launched in Fall 2020.

To access Humber’s EDI draft program objectives and workplans, please send an email to

Please join in advancing equity, diversity and inclusion at Humber.