Humber College United Way Campaign

November 1, 2016

Each year we ask Humber employees to support the United Way of Toronto, either through regular payroll deductions, one-time donations or by participating in a fundraising activity.

We do this because we know the United Way and its member agencies make a significant difference in our neighbourhoods, helping people – children, youth and seniors among them – to lead better, healthier lives.

Your donation can benefit Humber students directly. Designate your donation towards Humber awards and scholarships, and you’ll help to make a noticeable impact on the lives of our students. Helping the students we see every day is truly making a difference close to home.

You can also simply donate to the United Way, which will use your funds to support different community organizations.

We have an ambitious fundraising goal of $80,000.00 for this year. Can it be done? Absolutely.

We are a generous community. Together, we contribute donations, climb stairs, polish our nails, take tunnel tours and ride stationary bicycles – all to help make others’ lives better.

There are many ways to help. I invite you to explore to find out how.

Thank you for your support!