Humber Experts in the News

From cybersecurity to sustainable culinary arts, learn how Humber Experts have been making news recently. 

Media Relations has worked with several of our Humber Experts in various departments and faculties to help them share their work and expertise with the media.  

We’ve had tremendous success with many of our experts featured on television, radio, and in print and digital publications.  

Here are some examples: 

Humber Cultural Hub – Full feature 

The Etobicoke Guardian came on-site to see the new Humber Cultural Hub under construction. They interviewed Guillermo Acostsa, senior dean of the Faculty of Media and Creative Arts, who spoke about what the Hub will mean for culture in the city and the transformative power of art and education. Scott Valens, director of Capital Development, outlined all the aspects of the new build including sustainability targets, and future classrooms.

Humber Cultural Hub - Sustainability 

SustainableBIZ Canada interviewed Scott Valens, director of Capital Development, to discuss the Humber Cultural Hub. He provided insights on the construction along with the sustainability features of the new building. 

Humber’s Centre for Skilled Trades 

Phillip Stubbs, Director of Academic Programs took the Etobicoke Guardian on a tour of the Humber Centre for skilled trades. They published two articles: One showing photos of students in action welding, grinding metal, and running wires along with a Millwright student using a metal lathe. In the second article, Stubbs spoke about the buildings and programs. 

‘Laugh Attack’ on W5 

CTV W5 visited a stand-up comedy class to delve into the sensitive topic of the "political correctness" of comedy. The segment, starting at 17:23., features insightful interviews with both students and staff about offensive material, jokes about minorities, and the difference between "punching up" versus "punching down." The segment also includes appearances from Martha Chaves and Andrew Clark, professors in the Comedy program. 

Trustworthiness of TikTok 

A study was released showing TikTok was the least trustworthy app for Canadians. Francis Syms, associate dean and Cybersecurity professor, talked about increased regulation, national security and freedom, and the collection of data. He appeared on Global News and Trending Now on CHCH.

Russian Hackers  

Francis Syms spoke live on CP24 to provide his expert insights on the escalating trend of cyber threats in Canada, some of which involve Russian hackers. He broke down different types of attacks and what they mean for companies and the government.  

Tax Scams  

Francis Syms wrote an opinion piece for the Etobicoke Guardian to provide warnings and insights about tax scams during tax season.  

Nordstrom Leaving Canada 

Bruce Sinclair, associate dean of Business Marketing Fashion and Beauty, gave insight on why Nordstrom is leaving Canada. His commentary appeared on the CTV National News website, along with Trending Now on CHCH News.

Luxury Fashion 

Bruce Sinclair appeared on CBC Radio to discuss how fashion reflects the time we live in. He went on to explain the history of understated dressing during times of economic uncertainty, such as recessions. 

Mississauga lifts ban on retail Cannabis stores 

Daniel Bear, professor in the Criminal Justice program, appeared on Trending Now on CHCH to talk about the benefits of having legal retail stores in municipalities, access to cannabis, issues with an illicit market, job creation, and cannabis research. 

Sustainable Culinary

Shona Chalmers, Sustainable Culinary Professor, appeared on CP24 Breakfast Live in studio to share her insights on food waste, storing leftovers, and creative plant-based ideas. Professor Chalmers also took the opportunity to discuss the vital skills and knowledge that she imparts to her students in the classroom. 

Pharmacy industry  

Sandra Gerges, Pharmacy Technician and professor, spoke on Trending Now on CHCH about laws surrounding sending prescriptions across the border, access to information on medication, and drug costs. 

Funeral Director Program  

Jeff Caldwell from the Funeral Services program appeared on CBC Radio Canada to talk about the critical shortage of funeral directors in Ontario and spoke about enrollment at Humber. Additionally, he was prominently featured in the 'career' section of the Toronto Sun  
(see attached PDF), where he elaborated on the program's diverse offerings and highlighted that graduates would possess the skills to open a funeral home in their respective communities upon completion of the program. 

Hospitality Labour shortage 

Kristy Adams, professor in Hospitality and Tourism Management, appeared on CP24 Live to discuss a major labour shortage in the hospitality sector and how Humber helps to bridge the gap.  

Humber College Accessibility Courses  

The Conversation published information on a study conducted by professors Philip Burge and Josephine Massuca. The study found that connecting faculty with a learning specialist and disability councillors was key to supporting greater implementation of universal design.

Please reach out to Media Relations & External Communications Specialist Sylvie Lendvay ( if you have any unique story ideas that would be of interest to the media.