Humber NEXTcast

On the latest episode of the NEXTcast podcast, available free on Soundcloud and iTunes, we speak with professors Arun Dhanota and Dan Rowe about the documentary film they created here at Humber.

The Struggle Back: Through the Criminal Justice System with Addictions and Mental Illness, was created through a collaborative partnership with Police Foundations and Journalism Degree programs. The film will be used as a teaching and training tool in both the community and the college.

At the end of the day, if you want to help someone, you have to understand them. And you can’t understand them if you don’t talk to them.” – Arun Dhanota

Listen to the episode here or read the transcript here.

NEXTcast is a podcast about teaching and learning at Humber College, created by Humber Press and The Centre for Teaching & Learning. New episodes go up on Soundcloud and iTunes every second week.

To suggest a future guest or topic, email Humber Press at

Kristin Valois
Humber Press