Humber Offers Solidarity and Support to Those Impacted by the Conflict in Sudan

Humber knows that the conflict currently taking place in Sudan between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces may impact members of the College community, particularly those with family or friends living there or in bordering countries.  

We know that those impacted by this conflict stretch well beyond the Sudanese borders. We also understand that the news of this conflict may impact anyone who has experienced similar conflict and trauma in their lives or home countries. 

We know that Faculty and staff provide compassionate responses to students affected by this type of humanitarian crisis, ensuring that Humber remains a supportive environment. Faculty and staff are encouraged to consider how they can provide both flexibility and support to students who are struggling to manage competing priorities that emerge during times of crisis. 

Humber and the University of Guelph-Humber have supports available to those who may need it.  

Students in need of mental health counselling can contact the Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre for support and information. Staff and students may also connect with the Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion for additional support or information. 

If you would like to access services outside of Humber, below is a list of mental health services:   

Staff may also access Employee Assistance Plan services. 

Students with known ties to Sudan will be receiving a separate direct communication to provide additional touchpoints for support.  

This may be a difficult time for many, and we thank you for your compassion and for understanding the experiences of all members of the diverse Humber community at this time. 

Take care, 

Jason Hunter  Interim Vice-President, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness  Vice-President, Students and Institutional Planning