Introducing the President's Breakfast Virtual Series

The President’s Breakfast will be held virtually this year, due to COVID-19 and the limiting of on-campus activity. Rather than the traditional single-day event, the President’s Breakfast Virtual Series will run for four days (August 31 to September 3) and be delivered each morning through Communiqué.

Since we haven't been together in person for a while now, we are asking for photo submissions of yourselves and your teams working from home. These submissions will be considered for a photo montage that will be featured leading up to the President's Breakfast Virtual Series. 

And of course, we can’t have a President’s Breakfast without some dancing. To help us celebrate the kick off to the new academic year, please send us clips of your own moves. We are looking for submissions of members of the Humber community dancing to this clip of Justin Timberlake's Can't Stop the Feeling. Please note that a song with a similar beat may be used in the final video. 

Please submit photos and video clips for consideration here.
