Introduction of the Executive Advisory Council (EAC)

October 18, 2013
Introduction of the Executive Advisory Council (EAC)
To the Humber Community
Humber has been evolving at an accelerated pace over the course of the last year. Under the leadership of President Chris Whitaker, a new organizational structure and a five-year Strategic Plan, approved by the Board of Governors, has been introduced. An additional and related change is the transformation of what was previously known as the President’s Executive Council (PEC) to a new executive advisory group. The Executive Advisory Council (EAC) was formed in response to President Whitaker and the executive team’s need for an advisory group that could facilitate a collaborative, integrated and evidence-based approach to decision making.
The Executive Advisory Council’s primary mandate is to serve as a key advisory body to the president and executive team – and effectively the college at large – to support the implementation and successful achievement of our five-year goals as identified in the 2013 -18 Strategic Plan.  Specifically, EAC has been tasked with ensuring an integrated approach to identifying the key initiatives in Humber’s annual business plan/budget and the well-aligned, integrated and successful implementation of those initiatives.
EAC Members
The Executive Advisory Council is a cross-functional team of representatives from key areas across the college.  The EAC Terms of Reference commit EAC members to a set of principles, including using a transparent, consultative and integrated approach that reflects the values and interests of the entire Humber community.
At its inception Alister Mathieson and Jason Hunter were the co-chairs who gave EAC its initial shape and form. Following the organizational restructuring Gina Antonacci has replaced Alister Mathieson as EAC co-chair and after a transition period a replacement for Jason Hunter as co-chair will also be appointed.
Vice-President, Student and Community Engagement
Jason Hunter – Administrative Co-Chair
Dean, Social & Community Services
Gina Antonacci – Academic Co-Chair
Senior Director Strategic Asset Management
Carol Anderson
Chief Information Officer, IT Services
Scott Briggs
Principal, Lakeshore Campus
Wanda Buote
Dean, Business School
Alvina Cassiani
Director, HR Services
Kathy Cowan Sahadath
Associate Vice-President, Teaching & Learning
Eileen DeCourcy
Associate Vice-President, Administration
Tracy Fattore
Dean, Liberal Arts & Sciences
Paula Gouveia
Acting Director, Communications & Marketing
Olga Lalka
Director, Planning & Government Relations
Ruth MacKay
Dean of Students
Jen McMillen
Acting Registrar
Barb Riach
Associate Vice-President, Academic Operations
Elaine Popp
Director, Financial Services & Planning
Sanjay Puri
Chief Advancement Officer
Kim Warner
Keeping you Informed
An EAC Communications Working Group comprised of Alvina Cassiani, Kathy Cowan Sahadath, Olga Lalka, Barb Riach, and Kim Warner has developed an EAC Communications Plan to ensure open and ongoing sharing of information with the Humber community.  
Information about EAC activities and progress reports on the implementation of the 2013-2018 Strategic Plan can be found at
In addition, EAC will provide regular updates to Deans Council, Academic Operations Committee (AOC) and to Humber College Council at their regular meetings.
Finally, you will be receiving EAC updates via Communique twice every semester.
If you have any questions about the role of the Executive Advisory Council, its mandate or initiatives, please feel free to contact either one of us and we would be pleased to discuss them with you.
Gina Antonacci and Jason Hunter
Executive Advisory Council Co-chairs