John Steckley, Professor, Liberal Arts and Sciences

After 32 years as a faculty member in Liberal Arts and Sciences, John Steckley has made the decision to retire from teaching to pursue his first love, writing. John is the author of 16 books, the topics of which range from his widely adopted texts (Foundations of Sociology and Introduction to Physical Anthropology), to his inquiry into the Huron language, and to his reflections on Aboriginal culture and justice, with two more books on the way this coming year. 

Asked to reflect on his time here, John said “Humber provided me with incredible opportunities to let my creative craziness take flight…In that I am so very fortunate.” John’s intensity and passion is well known both inside and outside of the classroom. That passion has inspired many groups of students in his courses, has had John generously spending time encouraging new and hopeful faculty members, and has pushed him to explore the many paths of his intellectual curiosity. 

Please join me in congratulating John on his retirement. 

Dawn Macaulay 
Acting Associate Dean, Liberal Studies 
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences