Launch of Humber iCent App for International Students

Humber International Student Services is delighted to announce the release of a free mobile app named iCent. This app is dedicated to supporting our international students at the North and Lakeshore campuses through all stages of their experience studying at Humber. 

Students enrolled in Humber’s International Graduate School (IGS) have access to specialized supports through their personalized myIGS Journey portal.

The iCent app allows allows North and Lakeshore international students to:

  • Explore academic opportunities;
  • Prepare for their arrival in Canada (immigration, housing, orientation);
  • Keep safe and connected during their studies (events and workshops, employment and finances, health and safety, off-campus community supports);
  • Support their academic and career success (links to academic supports, post-graduation resources).
  • Resources to support employment and finances (information on working in Canada, Career Services, banking, Service Canada, financial health, and Devant)
  • Information on Health and Safety (medical insurance, Campus Health Services, counselling, peer wellness, Humber Athletics and fitness, Codes of Student Community Standards, Public Safety and emergency contacts)
  • Resources to support your life post-graduation (PGWP Resources, Humber Alumni Network, Career Services, community resources)

All features enhance our students' access to the information, resources and tools that are essential for their safe and positive global learning experience in Canada at Humber.

Download now from the app store: