L&D Workshops Next Week

Next week we are offering two exciting workshops led by Lucia Weiler, Registered Dietician, from the Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness:

Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur

Tuesday, June 11, 2019
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
North Campus, B203

Building your entrepreneurial skills can help you learn, grow and innovate whether you aspire to work for an organization, start your own business or devote your time to teaching or public service. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify common characteristics of entrepreneurs
  • Discuss entrepreneurial  approach and thinking
  • Assess your own potential as an entrepreneur / intrapreneur
  • Develop a skills for boosting your entrepreneurial mindset
    • Describe conditions that create new opportunities
    • Market your own potential using a ‘power pitch’

Trip Down the Aisle: The Healthy Food Shopper

Wednesday, June 12, 2019
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
North Campus, B203

Healthy eating starts with making wise choices at the grocery store, yet so many people find it hard to pick the healthiest options! In this interactive ‘ virtual trip down the grocery aisles’,  recognized Registered Dietitian Lucia Weiler will share her top tips to help you make smart food choices for health and wellness. You will also build confidence in reading labels so your food shopping can get easier, healthier and less expensive.

To register for either or both workshops, please email maureen.martin-edey@humber.ca or learninghrs@humber.ca.

Thank you!


Learning & Development, Organizational Effectiveness