Learning Resource Commons Earns LEED GOLD Rating for Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability is pleased to announce the LRC has received a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold Certification from the Canada Green Building Council. The many sustainability features of the building include: Roof
  • A 100 kW photo voltaic (PV) array is located on the building’s roof. The PV system ties directly into the building’s electrical distribution system, which is used to supplement power being drawn from the local utility grid to serve the building.
  • The remaining usable roof space is vegetated (947m2)
  • Low flow and sensored fixtures are installed throughout the building, resulting in the building using 43.48% less water than the baseline building. That is saving 8,200 L of water per day.
  • Drought resistant landscaping requires no irrigation
Indoor Environmental Quality
  • Low VOC materials (paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants) were used in building construction
  • All flooring systems in the building comply with the following standards as applicable:
    • FloorScore
    • GreenGuard
    • Green Label Plus
  • Low-mercury lamps used in all lighting fixtures
  • Complies with ASHRAE 55 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy
Energy Efficiency
  • Building uses 36% (+7% renewable energy) less energy than the reference building. This equates to 7,066,686 MJ saved each year.
  • Occupancy sensors are located throughout the building to reduce power consumption.
Recycled and Regional Materials
  • 20% recycled content in building construction materials. Top contributors (by cost):
    • Rebar
    • Carpet tile
    • Aluminum
    • Concrete
    • Steel
  • 43% of construction materials were sourced locally (within 800 km)
  • 94% of construction waste was diverted from landfills
video tour of the LRC’s sustainability features is available on Humber’s YouTube channel.