NAOSH Week – Mental Health Support

North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH)

You are not alone if you are experiencing anxiety, depression, grief, loneliness or if you are struggling with isolation while working from home. You may be worried about finances or finding it particularly challenging to achieve work-life balance right now. For our first day of NAOSH week, we are focusing on mental health by sharing online health and well-being support services for our employees:

  • Humber’s Organizational Effectiveness website provides learning and well-being initiatives here.
  • Morneau-Shepell, the provider of the Employee Assistance Program, has a series of free webinars including: “Working remotely” and “Emotional well-being during COVID-19”. Check out their new online program: WellCan.
  • The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has tips for dealing with stress, anxiety, quarantine and isolation on their website.
  • Workplace Strategies for Mental Health has compiled a variety of Mental Health apps you can reference here.
  • Sunlife has advice for obtaining financial support and saving money on their website.
  • Therapy Assist Online provides mindfulness exercises.

If you find these resources to be helpful, we’d love to know!  During NAOSH week, share any positive changes you’ve made to improve your health & safety to to be entered in a draw to win a $20 Amazon gift card. 

What is NAOSH Week?

North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week events and activities have been held in Canada, the United States and Mexico since 1997. The goal during Safety and Health Week is to focus employers, employees, partners and the public on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace, at home, and in the community.  In Canada, NAOSH Week is led by the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE).  For more information, go to or