Neil Price Moving to Fleming College

It is with mixed emotions that we share that Neil Price has accepted an exciting new role as Fleming College’s Dean, School of Justice and Community Development. Neil started at Humber in 2017 as Director, Student Life, where he led First Year Experience, Transition & Orientation, Residence and Peer Leadership, among other programs in SSE. In this role, Neil was also instrumental in transitioning the BASE to an institution-wide student support program. Since joining the Faculty of Social and Community Services as Associate Dean, Neil has become known for his thoughtful approach to all relationships, with a deep commitment to student success, collaboration and social justice. 

Neil will be with us until the end of July. He will be missed by many here at Humber. Please join us in congratulating him and wishing him continued success.

1) On Friday July 31 at 1 p.m. we will be coming together to say goodbye to Neil Price and wish him well.  To join the the Zoom-bye, click here

Meeting ID: 896 6560 8910
Passcode: Neil2020

2) To sign his card, please click here


Derek Stockley
Senior Dean, Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus