New HRMS System Enhancement/Report Intake Process

This message is to inform you of a change to the HRMS System Enhancement/Report Intake Process.

What is new?

Starting today, February 1, 2021, an eForm must be completed with the information below and submitted to the HR Systems Team in order to request an enhancement to the Human Resources Management System (HRMS). An enhancement is defined as any addition or change to the existing system generated report, configuration, customization and/or an introduction of new features to the HRMS. Click here to view the eForm. Note – the eForm can also be accessed by visiting the HRMS KB or by navigating to

Following mandatory information will be required to request an enhancement:

  • Background/Context
  • Details of the request
  • Priority (based on criteria indicated on the eForm)
  • Impacted Stakeholders (all stakeholders that will be impacted by this change)
  • Indicate if the change impacts end users (i.e. Managers, Delegates or Employees)
  • Indicate if the change impacts payroll
  • If a report is requested – you must indicate:
  • Who will be the user of that report,
  • What is the intended use of the data,
  • Target date the report is required by,
  • Etc.

Note – additional requirements can be found on the eForm.

Who can submit an enhancement request?

  • HRMS Champion – a representative of your business unit who works alongside the HRMS team to champion and support you
  • Managers

Note - Employees will need to consult with their manager or an HRMS Champion prior to submission of the eForm.


Thank you!