New Human Resource Management System Logo

As you may be aware, a college wide contest was launched for a logo for the HRMS Project implementation at Humber College. The winning submission for the HRMS Logo competition stood out from over twenty other submissions as being distinctive in visual impact, having a creative tagline, legibility, adherence to Humber’s branding standards, uniqueness and creativity.

We are happy to announce that Sydney Lawson, a 4th year Guelph Humber Student in the Media program, specializing in Digital Communications was selected as the winner. Sydney has a strong passion for design and digital marketing, and currently works as the Graphic Designer for the Student Life Department. She has recently started a freelancing design business, and is looking forward to her future in the always-changing digital media world after graduation.

On behalf of the Executive Sponsor – Lori Diduch, Co-Sponsor – Scott Briggs and the HRMS Project Team we thank all participants who submitted their entries and to formally congratulate Sydney Lawson for her winning Logo

A complimentary FAQ’s is also attached that would answer any questions that you may have about the HRMS.