Peer Active Listening Program

Peer Wellness has launched a new Peer Active Listening Program starting September 25. The purpose of this one-to-one program is to provide confidential, anti-oppressive, and non-judgmental peer support to Humber/Guelph-Humber learners as they navigate post-secondary education. The Peer Active Listening Program will be offered in a hybrid model, learners can sign up for a session in person at North Campus, Lakeshore Campus, or virtually.

This program is led by our Peer Wellness Facilitators, Janice Majoros (she/her) and Michaela Forrester (she/her). You can learn more about Janice and Michaela by reading their bios on the Peer Wellness Services webpage.

If you would like to sign up for a Peer Active Listening session, visit our booking website.